hamfritta Alpha Tester

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hamfritta created an entry in New Zealand.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Feb 1, 1994 to (none).
The Human Rights Act 1993 (Māori: Te Ture Tika Tangata 1993) outlaws discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity/expression. Initially, this law temporarily…
Sources: Bill of Rights: www.legislation.govt.nz/act… Human Rights Act 1993 (See Part 2): www.legislation.govt.nz/act… Lack of gender identity protections: www.nzlii.org/nz/journals/N…
hamfritta created an entry in New Zealand.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (5-year deferral) from Mar 1, 2009 to Jan 1, 2014.
No specific date in March. NZBS lists March 2009 on the linked page. NZBS performed a review in 2013 and results are expected to be public shortly.