Entry #695: Blood donations by MSMs in New Zealand

Current Version

RegionNew Zealand
IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (5-year deferral)
Start DateMar 1, 2009
End DateJan 1, 2014
DescriptionSince March 2009, the NZBS has used a 5-year deferral. In 2013, the NZBS reviewed the criteria, and improvements were implemented the following year.
https://www.nzblood.co.nz/assets/News/Final-report-to-NZBS-behavioural-donor-deferral-criteria-review.pdf - section 5 (page 39)

Revision History (3)

edited by jadeywadey. expanded source, removed dead link and fixed desc wording

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionNo specific date in March. NZBS lists March 2009 on the linked page. NZBS performed a review in 2013 and results are expected to be public shortly.Since March 2009, the NZBS has used a 5-year deferral. In 2013, the NZBS reviewed the criteria, and improvements were implemented the following year.
Show Difference
No specific date in March. NZBS lists March 2009 on the linked page. NZBS performed a review in 2013 and results are expected to be public shortly. Since March 2009, the NZBS has used a 5-year deferral. In 2013, the NZBS reviewed the criteria, and improvements were implemented the following year.
https://www.nzblood.co.nz/assets/News/Final-report-to-NZBS-behavioural-donor-deferral-criteria-review.pdf - section 5 (page 39)
Show Difference
http://www.nzblood.co.nz/Give-blood/Donating/Am-I-eligible/Review-of-donor-criteria https://web.archive.org/web/20111002202303/http://www.nzblood.co.nz/Give-blood/Donating/Am-I-eligible/Review-of-donor-criteria https://www.nzblood.co.nz/assets/News/Final-report-to-NZBS-behavioural-donor-deferral-criteria-review.pdf - section 5 (page 39)

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2014

created by hamfritta

Original entry
StatusBanned (5-year deferral)
Start DateMar 1, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionNo specific date in March. NZBS lists March 2009 on the linked page. NZBS performed a review in 2013 and results are expected to be public shortly.
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "In 2014 this was changed from a 5-year deferral period to a 12-month deferral period."
  • Status is not correct "Current/Updated status is Banned(12 Month Deferral) "The deferral period for men who have sex with men is changed to 12 months from five years following their last sexual encounter." Since 15 December 2014 Source: http://www.nzblood.co.nz/news/2014/revised-donor-eligibility-criteria/"
  • Status is not correct "From the 15th of December 2014 the deferral period was changed to 12 months. Source: http://www.nzblood.co.nz/news/2014/revised-donor-eligibility-criteria/"
  • Status is not correct "New Zealand reduced the deferral period for MSM from 5 years to 12 months and it came into effect on December 15, 2014. http://www.nzblood.co.nz/give-blood/donating/detailed-eligibility-criteria/ http://www.sdgln.com/health/2014/12/15/new-zealand-new-1-year-blood-ban-now-place#sthash.xSrGuzDW.dpbs "
  • Status is not correct "New Zealand reduced the deferral period from 5 years to 1 year for male-to-male sexual contact. The new policy took effect on December 15, 2014."