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gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
Blood donations by MSMs: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
No particular limitation for homosexuals. All the procedures and requirements are the same for all donors.
gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
Serving openly in military: Don't Ask, Don't Tell from (unknown) to (none).
Open homosexuals can not serve in the armed forces. When injected into the army, homosexuals may be victims of violence from colleagues. The Constitution and laws do not restrict the service of…
gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
Equal age of consent: Equal from Mar 1, 1994 to (none).
The age of consent in Belarus is 16 years, as stated in Articles 168 and 169, which read: "Sexual intercourse, sodomy, lesbian intercourse or other sexual acts committed by adults who have reached…
gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires medical diagnosis from Dec 10, 2010 to (none).
Permit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year. In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on…
gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
The country has no legislation that would protect people from dismissal from work because of their sexual orientation.
gaybynet created an entry in Belarus.
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
Adoption of children by same-sex couples are not spelled out in the legislation, however, when considering an application for adoption, homosexuality is considered a ground for refusal.