Entry #1963: Right to change legal gender in Belarus

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires medical diagnosis
Start DateDec 10, 2010
End Date(none)
DescriptionPermit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year.
In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of persons with the syndrome of denial of sex. It is composed of 15 experts of the ministries of Health, Defense, Interior, Justice, Education. The Commission refers the patient to a mental health and psycho-sexological examination. A year later, after a thorough examination by psychiatrists, sexologists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists and geneticists, the board makes a decision - to change this person or not.

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Revision History (7)

edited by JuliaB. correction of errors

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 1, 2004Dec 10, 2010

Show Difference
http://www.interfax.by/article/1170599 http://nn.by/?c=ar&i=128500&lang=ru https://database.ilga.org/api/downloader/download/1/BY%20-%20EXE%20-%20Resolution%20No.%20163%20(2010)%20-%20OR-OFF(ru).pdf

edited by Notdog1996. Sounds like a heavy medical diagnosis

Old Value New Value

edited by Notdog1996. Sounds like a heavy medical diagnosis

Old Value New Value
ValueLegal, no restrictionsLegal, but requires medical diagnosis
DescriptionPermit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year.
In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of persons with the syndrome of denial of sex. It is composed of 15 experts of the ministries of Health, Defense, Interior, Justice, Education. The Commission refers the patient to a mental health and psycho-sexological examination. A year later, after a thorough examination by psychiatrists, sexologists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists and geneticists, the board makes a decision - to change this person or not the floor.
Permit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year.
In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of persons with the syndrome of denial of sex. It is composed of 15 experts of the ministries of Health, Defense, Interior, Justice, Education. The Commission refers the patient to a mental health and psycho-sexological examination. A year later, after a thorough examination by psychiatrists, sexologists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists and geneticists, the board makes a decision - to change this person or not.
Show Difference
Permit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year. In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of persons with the syndrome of denial of sex. It is composed of 15 experts of the ministries of Health, Defense, Interior, Justice, Education. The Commission refers the patient to a mental health and psycho-sexological examination. A year later, after a thorough examination by psychiatrists, sexologists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists and geneticists, the board makes a decision - to change this person or not the floor. not.

edited by JuliaB. adding date

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jan 1, 2004

edited by JuliaB. It's possible to change legal gender in Belarus

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegalLegal, no restrictions

edited by Marius. Better

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegal, no restrictionsIllegal
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "it is legal without surgery needed, read the description of the details again"

created by gaybynet

Original entry
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionPermit for the operation by which a man's body changed to female or vice versa, get about four a year. In Belarus, such permission shall issue a specially created interdepartmental commission on medical, psychological and social rehabilitation of persons with the syndrome of denial of sex. It is composed of 15 experts of the ministries of Health, Defense, Interior, Justice, Education. The Commission refers the patient to a mental health and psycho-sexological examination. A year later, after a thorough examination by psychiatrists, sexologists, urologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists and geneticists, the board makes a decision - to change this person or not the floor.
Sourceshttp://www.interfax.by/article/1170599 http://nn.by/?c=ar&i=128500&lang=ru
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "https://news.house/40724"