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NadaCAT edited an entry in Spain.
"Organic Law 13/2005: Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage In 2005, Spain passed Organic Law 13/2005, which amended the Civil Code to allow marriage between people of the same sex. This law grants full legal recognition to same-sex marriages, affording them the same rights and responsibilities as opposite-sex marriages. Article 44 of the Civil Code (as amended by the 2005 law): "Marriage shall have the same requirements and effects when both parties are of the same or different sex.""
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Jul 3, 2005 to (none).
In July of 2005, Spain became the third country in the world to legalize gay marriage, following the Netherlands and Belgium. The law, which was passed by the Spanish parliament and signed into law…
NadaCAT edited an entry in Spain.
"This law applies to all Spain as autonomies can't control. Spanish Constitution of 1978 The Constitution is the highest legal authority in Spain, and any law or regulation that contradicts its provisions would be null and void. The most relevant constitutional provisions in this context are: Article 14: Equality before the law "Spaniards are equal before the law, without any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance." This article establishes the principle of equality and expressly prohibits discrimination based on personal circumstances, which includes sexual orientation. Therefore, any regional law attempting to discriminate against individuals for being gay would violate this fundamental right. Article 9.1: Principle of legality and respect for fundamental rights "Citizens and public authorities are subject to the Constitution and the rest of the legal system." Autonomous communities, as public authorities, are bound by the Constitution and cannot enact laws that infringe upon the fundamental rights it guarantees. Article 10.1: Human dignity and inviolable rights "The dignity of the person, the inviolable rights inherent to them, the free development of personality, respect for the law, and the rights of others are the foundation of political order and social peace." This article recognizes the dignity of individuals and their right to freely develop their personalities, which protects the expression of sexual orientation."
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1979 to (none).
In 1979 Adolfo Suárez Government reversed the previous prohibitions on same sex activity. The 1970 Law on Danger and Social Rehabilitation remained active until 1995 but was unenforced after Spain…
NadaCAT created an entry in region.
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
Under spanish law.
Sources: Under spanish law.