
Texan transman
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Jayden1024 edited an entry in Texas.
"Shorten/simplify the description"
Censorship of LGBT issues: State-enforced from 1991 to Oct 28, 2021.
Texas is one of five states with a "no promo homo" law since 1991 under Section 21.06 of the Penal Code. Educational materials for minors must state that homosexual conduct is unacceptable…
Jayden1024 created an entry in Texas.
Censorship of LGBT issues: State-enforced from 1991 to Oct 28, 2021.
Texas is 1/5 states in the United States that has a “no promo homo” law in effect since 1991, under Section 21.06, Penal Code. "The materials in the education programs intended for persons…