Eng: NGO that advocates for the rights of transsexual people, that has made a voice for the approval of relevant laws of gender identity; focused on supporting trans women.
Esp: ONG que aboga por los derechos de las personas transexuales, la cual se ha hecho voz para la aprobación de leyes relevantes; enfocada en apoyo a mujeres trans.
Location: Costa Rica
Founded: 2009
Official Website: transvidacr.org
Latest News
The Transvida Recycling Cooperative and Kids’ Home of Dreams: Transformed Lives in Rio de Janeiro’s Favela of Vila Cruzeiro [PROFILE] – RioOnWatch RioOnWatch,
From the Street to the Classroom: How Two Trans Women Relaunched Their Studies La Voz de Guanacaste,
Transgender Costa Ricans fight discrimination over name-change rights : The Tico Times,
Sex Social Workers Say Caja Fails In Protecting Them Against STIs Q Costa Rica News,
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