Trans Dynamics (TD) is an unregistered organization by and for Trans people.
TD is the only trans-specific organization based in Morocco.
TD fight all forms of discrimination based on gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics.
Location: Morocco
Founded: 2018
Official Website:
Latest News
Distinct gene regulatory dynamics drive skeletogenic cell fate convergence during vertebrate embryogenesis,
Excited-State-Selective Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics and Photoisomerization of trans-4,4′-Azopyridine ACS Publications,
Barriers of the CNS transfer rate dynamics in patients with vascular cognitive impairment and dementia Frontiers,
Moroccan Feminists: Generational Gaps in Feminist Movements African Arguments,
Pinning Down Small Populations of Photoinduced Intermediates Using Transient Absorption Spectroscopy and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Difference Spectra to Provide Mechanistic Insight into Controlling Pyridine Azo Dynamics with Protons ACS Publications,
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