Founded in 2011 with the dream of a fair, equal, and free world under the rainbow, SPoD provides legal, social, and psychological counseling to LGBTI+ people. In addition to running campaigns and following up cases, SPoD continues to train institutions and municipalities, mental health experts and lawyers. As SPoD, we have been conducting academic research, organizing seminars and panel discussions. We are working on election campaigns together with schools of politics and activism. We also organize advocacy meetings by forming support groups. SPoD has a dedicated network of professional staff, volunteers, and experts to carry out all these activities.

Our Mission:
•Advocates, opens organizing spaces, and builds alliances to empower the LGBTI+ community;
•Contributes to the production of social policies with the knowledge gained from the field and experience;
•Develops and implements unique models to ensure LGBTI+ persons’ access to rights and quality services and to set an example for other institutions and organizations.

Our Vision:
A life worthy of human dignity where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and (LGBTI+) people living in Turkey are not subjected to oppression because of their existence.

Our Core Values:
1- Gender equality: Recognizing that life and social norms are not equal for everyone, we base our policies and practices on gender equality. We take (social) gender equality through the binary gender regime, through the declaration of individuals, regardless of biological references, and fulfill the requirements of the declaration.
2- Intersectional: We try to understand what unique experience emerges when different identities come together. We build our policies and practices on this. We also see and include different struggles. We also open space for alliances between areas of struggle.
3- Rights-based: We work for the empowerment of LGBTI+ people and the mainstreaming of LGBTI+ rights. We remind these institutions and organizations of their positive obligations in the context of the transformation of social policies, knowing that LGBTI+ persons have rights and the state, national, and international relevant institutions and organizations have duties.
4- Initiative taker, mobilizing: As an association, we take the initiative in the field and mobilize by establishing communication, cooperation, and alliances with other institutions. At the same time, we work collectively internally, do not hesitate to take responsibility when necessary, and mobilize others to do the same.
5- Solidarist, looking out for one another: We look out for our own benefit and the benefit of those around us. We support each other in the context of these benefits and needs (physically, mentally, and materially). In work-related situations where we need to support each other, we bring it to a conclusion as a team.
6- Open communicator, solution-oriented: When we experience a problem, we communicate immediately and openly with the addressee. We try to hear and understand the feedback and needs through open communication and collaboration on what can be done. We give feedback in a constructive and empowering way, not destructive. We avoid the language of violence and use the language of compassion as much as possible.
7- Operate internal democratic processes: We discuss issues and decide with the people involved. We develop appropriate methods for the participation of relevant people at all levels. While we accept that SPoD is vertically organized, we handle this functioning in an accountable manner regarding duties and responsibilities. We manage the adverse effects of hierarchy through participation, collectivity, and common sense. We see and hear demands. We defend our ideas in a way that does not exceed the limits of criticism and target individuals.
8- Transparent and accountable: We establish and implement mechanisms for auditing, reporting, planning, and participation so that relevant parties can access pertinent information. We act responsibly when making decisions, using resources, and explaining our reasoning to appropriate parties.
9- Creative and innovative: We care about the transfer of experience and sustainability. At the same time, we are open to change and development, new ideas and methods, and new encounters.
10- Ecosystem-conscious: We respect the planet and consider the needs of vegans and vegetarians.

Location: Turkey

Founded: 2011

Official Website:  Favicon

@@spodlgbti on Twitter