A sexual equality rights organization in Finland. It's goal is a equal society where human rights and wellbeing are realised regardless of ones sexual orientation, identity or expression. Has smaller regional organisations under it's name operating separately within their respective areas.
Location: Finland
Founded: 1974
Official Website: seta.fi
Latest News
Interview with ex-gay movement expert Anthony Venn-Brown Seta ry,
The Holiday Season and How to Survive an Unsupportive Family GenderGP,
President Tarja Halonen becomes the patron of Helsinki Pride event in 2023 Helsinki Times,
Sateenkaari-ihmisten asunnottomuus on piilossa oleva ilmiö Seta ry,
MEP Silvia Modig: komissio voi sanktioida LHBTI-ihmisoikeusloukkaukset Seta ry,
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