We provide support for all family members and friends. We work to create an environment of understanding so our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender children can live with dignity and respect.
We are proud of Vancouver's chapter, and its tradition of helping parents, friends, and families understand their gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer loved ones.
Location: British Columbia
Official Website: pflagvancouver.com
Latest News
Raising the PFLAG Xtra Magazine,
Pride 2014 parents: Aideen and Colin McKenna of PFLAG Vancouver The Georgia Straight,
Letter: Gay former student welcomes sexual orientation policy Langley Advance Times,
Episode 33: WWEST Celebrates LGBT STEM Day Simon Fraser University News,
West End dance party disrupts visit from anti-gay preacher CBC.ca,
"PFLAG Vancouver" news provided by Google News