Established in 1979, the NXF is the oldest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) NGO in Ireland. The NXF publishes Gay Community News (GCN) and campaigns for the equal rights of, and to combat discrimination against, LGBT people in Ireland & internationally.
Location: Global
Founded: 1979
Official Website:
Latest News
- A history of Pride and LGBTQ+ protests in Ireland IrishCentral,
- LGBTQ+ organisations issue open letter expressing concern over Sport Ireland's trans and non-binary guidance,
- Cork-based HIV activist receives top honour at LGBTQ+ awards,
- Coalition Against Hate Crime statement on the Hate Crime and Incitement to Violence or Hatred Bill - Irish Council for Civil Liberties,
- Thousands take to streets of Dublin for 2024 Pride Parade Yahoo News UK,
"National LGBT Federation" news provided by Google News