The National LGBT Bar Association is a national association of lawyers, judges and other legal professionals, law students, activists and affiliated lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legal organizations. The LGBT Bar promotes justice in and through the legal profession for the LGBT community in all its diversity.
Location: United States
Founded: 1989
Official Website:
Latest News
Adeel Mangi Is the Pro Bono Champion We Deserve on the Third Circuit National Women's Law Center,
National LGBT Bar Association Names Elliott Mogul to 2020 'Best LGBTQ+ Lawyers Under 40' List Arnold & Porter,
Alumnus Chris Czerwonka ’13 Profiled in National LGBT Bar Assn ‘Member Spotlight’ Hofstra Law News,
Law student Andy Blevins is first runner-up for National LGBT Bar Student Leadership Award Willamette University,
LGBTQ+ at St. John’s Law St John's University News,
"National LGBT Bar Association" news provided by Google News