J-FLAG is the first human rights organisation in the history of Jamaica to serve the needs of LGBT peoples and over time it became the first port of call for the media, resulting in J-FLAG assuming the role of the mouthpiece for the LGBT community.
J-FLAG is a Non-Profit NGO that is in the business of promoting social change in furtherance of the well-being of the members of the LGBT community, through a range of internally directed and externally focused tools including: Public Education, Crisis Intervention and Empowerment; Research; Rights-based Advocacy; Legal Aid and Legal Reform.
Location: Jamaica
Founded: 1998
Official Website: jflag.org
Latest News
After a fire destroys Jamaica’s LGBT headquarters, 2019 deemed ‘year of rebuilding’ Global Voices,
JFLAG commends gov’t on lgbt recommendations, calls for anti-discrimination law Jamaica Gleaner,
JFLAG says print media coverage of LGBT Jamaicans has improved Loop News Jamaica,
JFLAG Welcomes Review Of Buggery Law Radio Jamaica News Online,
PAJ writes JFLAG about attack on Observer news team Jamaica Observer,
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