Entry #816: Same-sex marriage in Kazakhstan

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Date2011
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Marriage and Family Code defines marriage as a union with equal rights between a man and a woman. It also states "The factual cohabitation of a man and a woman, as well as persons of the same sex shall not be recognized as the marriage (matrimony)."

Article 11(1) states marriage shall not be allowed between persons of the same sex.
Sourceshttps://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K1100000518 (Family code)

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Revision History (28)

edited by Nathan. changes according to family code

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateDec 16, 19912011
DescriptionThough not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal.The Marriage and Family Code defines marriage as a union with equal rights between a man and a woman. It also states "The factual cohabitation of a man and a woman, as well as persons of the same sex shall not be recognized as the marriage (matrimony)."

Article 11(1) states marriage shall not be allowed between persons of the same sex.
Show Difference
Though not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. The Marriage and Family Code defines marriage as a union with equal rights between a man and a woman. It also states "The factual cohabitation of a man and a woman, as well as persons of the same sex shall not be recognized as the marriage (matrimony)." Article 11(1) states marriage shall not be allowed between persons of the same sex.

edited by jadeywadey. bad desc.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThough not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. Source listed is the Family CodeThough not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal.
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Though not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. Source listed is the Family Code
Sourceshttps://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K1100000518https://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K1100000518 (Family code)

edited by acegro. Correcting the date and adding the sources

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Dec 16, 1991
DescriptionNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal.Though not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. Source listed is the Family Code
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Neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. Though not banned constitutionally, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal. Source listed is the Family Code
SourcesSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but restricted due to the Family Codehttps://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K1100000518
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Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but restricted due to the Family Code https://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K1100000518

edited by Notdog1996. Keep the banter out of the description

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal

This entry was vandalized by Samuel_NOT_Samuele
Neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal.
Show Difference
Neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal This entry was vandalized by Samuel_NOT_Samuele legal.

edited by cihalcoc. Vandalized by Samuel_NOT_Samuele

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legalNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal

This entry was vandalized by Samuel_NOT_Samuele
Show Difference
Neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal legal This entry was vandalized by Samuel_NOT_Samuele
SourcesSometimes unofficially performed, and banned constitutionallySometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but restricted due to the Family Code
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Sometimes unofficially performed, and banned constitutionally not banned constitutionally but restricted due to the Family Code

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognizedNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are legal
SourcesSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognized due to the Family CodeSometimes unofficially performed, and banned constitutionally
Show Difference
Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognized due to the Family Code and banned constitutionally

edited by Turnopi_karnavara. Small edit

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value

edited by Turnopi_karnavara. Small edit

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value

edited by Turnopi_karnavara. Small edit

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNot recognizedNeither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognized

edited by Turnopi_karnavara. Small edit

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
SourcesSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, restricted due to the Family codeSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognized due to the Family Code
Show Difference
Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, restricted due to the Family code neither same-sex marriage nor civil unions are recognized due to the Family Code

edited by Turnopi_karnavara. Small edit

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
DescriptionAll legal marriage in Kazakhstan is defined as between a man and a woman. Not recognized
Show Difference
All legal marriage in Kazakhstan is defined as between a man and a woman. Not recognized
Sources“26) marriage (matrimony) - an equal union between a man and a woman, concluded with the free and full consent of the parties in the manner prescribed by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the purpose of creating a family, giving rise to property and personal non-property rights and obligations between spouses;”

https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1100000518 Original in Russian, Kazakh law code
Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, restricted due to the Family code
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“26) marriage (matrimony) - an equal union between a man and a woman, concluded with the free and full consent of the parties in the manner prescribed by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the purpose of creating a family, giving rise to property and personal non-property rights and obligations between spouses;” https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1100000518 Original in Russian, Kazakh law code Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally, however, restricted due to the Family code

edited by Gor154. Modifying main entry to more accurately reflect the reality in Kazakhstan

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSometimes same-sex marriages are unofficially performed, they are not banned constitutionally, however, due to the Family Code they are not recognized All legal marriage in Kazakhstan is defined as between a man and a woman.
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Sometimes same-sex marriages are unofficially performed, they are not banned constitutionally, however, due to the Family Code they are not recognized All legal marriage in Kazakhstan is defined as between a man and a woman.
Sourcesold one was fake“26) marriage (matrimony) - an equal union between a man and a woman, concluded with the free and full consent of the parties in the manner prescribed by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the purpose of creating a family, giving rise to property and personal non-property rights and obligations between spouses;”

https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1100000518 Original in Russian, Kazakh law code
Show Difference
old one was fake “26) marriage (matrimony) - an equal union between a man and a woman, concluded with the free and full consent of the parties in the manner prescribed by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the purpose of creating a family, giving rise to property and personal non-property rights and obligations between spouses;” https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1100000518 Original in Russian, Kazakh law code

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
Descriptionlt’s not legal to marry someone of your same genderSometimes same-sex marriages are unofficially performed, they are not banned constitutionally, however, due to the Family Code they are not recognized
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lt’s not legal to marry someone of your same gender Sometimes same-sex marriages are unofficially performed, they are not banned constitutionally, however, due to the Family Code they are not recognized

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueOther type of partnershipBanned
DescriptionSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other lawslt’s not legal to marry someone of your same gender
Show Difference
Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws lt’s not legal to marry someone of your same gender
Sourcesold one was fake, so I corrected itold one was fake

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueUnregistered cohabitationOther type of partnership

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedUnregistered cohabitation
DescriptionNot banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other lawsSometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws
Show Difference
Not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws Sometimes unofficially performed, not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws

edited by cihalcoc. the old one was fake

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Constitution described marriage as an union between a man and a womanNot banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws
Show Difference
The Constitution described marriage as an union between a man and a woman Not banned constitutionally but not recognized due to other laws

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. corrected fake news

Old Value New Value
ValueOther type of partnershipBanned
DescriptionIf a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them. On the other hand, since adoption by married couples from different countries is recognized, foreign marriages are somewhat recognizedThe Constitution described marriage as an union between a man and a woman
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If a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them. On the other hand, since adoption by married couples from different countries is recognized, foreign marriages are somewhat recognized The Constitution described marriage as an union between a man and a woman
SourcesI am a citizen of Kazakhstanold one was fake, so I corrected it
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Kazakhstan's constituition does not prohibit same-sex marriage"
  • Newer law has been passed "Kazakhstan's constituition does not prohibit same-sex marriage"

edited by cihalcoc. Even though it's not legally recognized, same-sex couples are treated differently by law

Old Value New Value
ValueUnregistered cohabitationOther type of partnership
DescriptionHowever, if a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for themIf a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them. On the other hand, since adoption by married couples from different countries is recognized, foreign marriages are somewhat recognized
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However, if a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them If a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them. On the other hand, since adoption by married couples from different countries is recognized, foreign marriages are somewhat recognized
Reports (8)
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "Implied recognition of some foreign marriages is nowhere near enough to warrant a "other partnership" label"
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Note field is incorrect "Description doesn't match with status"
  • Sources are invalid or broken
  • Sources are invalid or broken "Someone's citizenship is not a valid source "
  • Status is not correct "No recognition "
  • Date is incorrect "There's no recognition of same-sex unions in Kazakhstan "

edited by cihalcoc. Not recognized, but not constitutionally banned

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedUnregistered cohabitation
DescriptionNot recognized, but not constitutionally banned.However, if a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them
Show Difference
Not recognized, but not constitutionally banned. However, if a homosexual turns out to have a partner, adoption is illegal for them
Sourceshttp://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpavlodar.com%2Fzakon%2Findex.html%3Fdok%3D00149%26ogl%3Dall&act=urlI am a citizen of Kazakhstan
Show Difference
http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpavlodar.com%2Fzakon%2Findex.html%3Fdok%3D00149%26ogl%3Dall&act=url I am a citizen of Kazakhstan
Reports (1)
  • Note field is incorrect "Belongs to Adoption field not here"

edited by JordanB3047

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateDec 26, 2011(unknown)
DescriptionArticle 11 of the law of family and marriage explicitly prohibits same sex couples from marrying each other.Not recognized, but not constitutionally banned.
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Article 11 of the law of family and marriage explicitly prohibits same sex couples from marrying each other. Not recognized, but not constitutionally banned.

created by vviet93

Original entry
Start DateDec 26, 2011
End Date(none)
DescriptionArticle 11 of the law of family and marriage explicitly prohibits same sex couples from marrying each other.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Article 11. Persons between whom marriage is not allowed Marriage between: 1) persons, of which at least one person is already in another registered marriage; 2) direct relatives in the ascending and descending line (parents and children, grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren), full and half brothers and sisters who have a common father or mother; 3) adoptive parents (adopters) and adopted (adopted); 4) persons, of which at least one person has been recognized by the court as incapable due to mental illness or dementia."
  • Status is not correct "It is not stated as illegal under article 11 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan "