Entry #567: Equal age of consent in Chile

Current Version

IssueEqual age of consent
Start DateJul 12, 1999
End DateAug 25, 2022
DescriptionArticle 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age if consent for gay couples, whereas 14 is the standard age if consent for straight couples.

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Revision History (5)

edited by Nathan. Fixed date, source added

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateSep 8, 2014Jul 12, 1999
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http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1984 http://web.derecho.uchile.cl/cej/rej14/ABR%20VVAA%20_4_x.pdf https://www.bcn.cl/leychile/navegar?idNorma=138814&idParte= http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1984 http://web.derecho.uchile.cl/cej/rej14/ABR%20VVAA%20_4_x.pdf

edited by Notdog1996. Adding source and description from the duplicate

Old Value New Value
End DateAug 26, 2022Aug 25, 2022
DescriptionAge of consent for same sex is 18, for different sex is 14.Article 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age if consent for gay couples, whereas 14 is the standard age if consent for straight couples.
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Age of consent for same sex is 18, for different sex is 14. Article 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age if consent for gay couples, whereas 14 is the standard age if consent for straight couples.
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http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1984 http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1984 http://web.derecho.uchile.cl/cej/rej14/ABR%20VVAA%20_4_x.pdf

edited by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Aug 26, 2022

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date(unknown)Sep 8, 2014
DescriptionAge of consent equal at 18 years of age.Age of consent for same sex is 18, for different sex is 14.
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http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:CJ7IoaFLCE0J:www.bcn.cl/publicadores/pub_leyes_mas_soli/admin/ver_archivo_codigos.php%3Fid_codigo%3D4%26file%3D1+código+penal&hl=es&gl=cl&ct=clnk&cd=3 http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1984
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Article 365 was abolished by Law 21,483 on August, 24, 2022. https://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/publicaciones/2022/08/24/43335/01/2175738.pdf"
  • Newer law has been passed "Law N° 21.483 repeals articule 365. (August 24 of 2022)."
  • Newer law has been passed "since a newer law has been passed on august 17th, the age of consent in chile is the same for both homosexual and heterosexual relationships"
  • Other "Source in Spanish http://www.movilh.cl/tribunal-constitucional-relaciones-lesbicas-son-legales-desde-los-14-anos-y-las-gays-desde-los-18/"
  • Other "In 1999, the age of consent was set at 14 for heterosexual sex. Homosexual acts were decriminalized in 1999, with an age of consent of 18. In 2011, the Tribunal Constitucional de Chile confirmed that the age of consent is 14 for heterosexual relations, as well as for lesbian relations, but it is 18 for male homosexual relations."

created by James

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionAge of consent equal at 18 years of age.
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "Article 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age if consent for gay couples, whereas 14 is the standard age if consent for straight and lesbian couples. "
  • Status is not correct "Article 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age if consent for gay couples, whereas 14 is the standard age if consent for straight and lesbian couples. "
  • Status is not correct "Article 365 of the Penal Code establishes 18 as age of consent for gay couples, whereas it is 14 for straight couples. http://web.derecho.uchile.cl/cej/rej14/ABR%20VVAA%20_4_x.pdf"