Entry #565: Serving openly in military in Chile

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
Start DateJul 24, 2012
End Date(none)
DescriptionSince 2012 the Chilean Armed Forces allow gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people to openly serve. Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military. In 2020, the Chilean Army officially incorporated a transgender man into its ranks for the first time.

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Revision History (3)

edited by Nathan. Improvement

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateAug 12, 2014Jul 24, 2012
DescriptionChile has an anti-discrimination law on the military.Since 2012 the Chilean Armed Forces allow gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people to openly serve. Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military. In 2020, the Chilean Army officially incorporated a transgender man into its ranks for the first time.
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Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military. Since 2012 the Chilean Armed Forces allow gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people to openly serve. Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military. In 2020, the Chilean Army officially incorporated a transgender man into its ranks for the first time.
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http://www.movilh.cl/gran-avance-ministerio-de-defensa-crea-comite-por-la-diversidad-y-la-no-discriminacion-en-las-fuerzas-armadas/ https://www.movilh.cl/historico-las-fuerzas-armadas-admiten-por-primera-vez-sus-filas-a-un-hombre-trans/ http://www.movilh.cl/gran-avance-ministerio-de-defensa-crea-comite-por-la-diversidad-y-la-no-discriminacion-en-las-fuerzas-armadas/

edited by chae

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Start Date(unknown)Aug 12, 2014
DescriptionNo official prohibition, but LGBT people may be discharged because of "offenses to values and morals of the Armed Forces".Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military.
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No official prohibition, but LGBT people may be discharged because of \"offenses to values and morals of the Armed Forces\". Chile has an anti-discrimination law on the military.
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http://www.fasoc.cl/files/articulo/ART41e57a9ba6031.pdf http://www.movilh.cl/gran-avance-ministerio-de-defensa-crea-comite-por-la-diversidad-y-la-no-discriminacion-en-las-fuerzas-armadas/

created by James

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNo official prohibition, but LGBT people may be discharged because of "offenses to values and morals of the Armed Forces".
Reports (12)
  • Sources are invalid or broken "Link is to a store"
  • Status is not correct "The Military of Chile does not discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation. Chile bans all anti-gay discrimination since 2012: http://www.jurist.org/paperchase/2012/04/chile-congress-passes-anti-discrimination-law.php Also, August 13, 2014, The Defense Ministry ordered the creation of a new committee to monitor inclusion and tackle discrimination in the armed forces, a move hailed as a “historic” step by gay rights campaigners. Marcos Robledo, defense undersecretary, announced the formation of a Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Committee with the aim to eradicate arbitrary discrimination in the military. The resolution, signed by Defense Minister Jorge Burgos, established the government as responsible for creating a more inclusive armed services.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-28961883"
  • Status is not correct "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Chile#Summary_table"
  • Status is not correct "Military for LGBT people is legal in Chile"
  • Status is not correct "The Military of Chile does not discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity since 2012. It officially prohibits discrimination against LGBT people. On September 10, 2012, by Order of Command No. 6583/126, it was declared expressly repealed all those rules or provisions of institutional regulations, which contravene the principle of non-discrimination according to the Anti-discrimination law. On May 29, 2015, the commander-in-chief Humberto Oviedo issued an Order of Command to expand and complement the 2012 order. Source: http://www.movilh.cl/documentacion/2016/ejercitoynodiscriminacion.pdf http://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/site/artic/20160314/asocfile/20160314215625/xiv_informe_de_ddhh_2015_web.pdf"
  • Status is not correct "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/chile-gay-police-officer_us_57191e8ae4b0d0042da88ebd"
  • Status is not correct "In April 2016, for the first time ever, a member of Chile’s national police announced his gay civil union with the support of Carabineros de Chile (part of the Armed Forces). http://www.movilh.cl/director-general-de-carabineros-y-union-civil-de-funcionario-gay-somos-fiel-reflejo-de-la-diversidad-de-chile/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=director-general-de-carabineros-y-union-civil-de-funcionario-gay-somos-fiel-reflejo-de-la-diversidad-de-chile https://youtu.be/mGiMWJhtdV0"
  • Status is not correct "The provided source is from 2004. In recent years, Chile has made great improvements about lgbt inclusion in the Armed Forces."
  • Status is not correct "Resolution http://www.movilh.cl/documentacion/Resolucion-Ministerial-%28Ministerio-Defensa%29.pdf"
  • Status is not correct "The Military of Chile does not officially discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation. Chile bans all anti-gay discrimination since 2012. There is no rule or law that prevents from entering homosexuals to the Armed Forces. In 2012, Defense Minister Andres Allamand ordered the armed forces to immediately comply with the laws against discrimination. In 2014, Chilean active Navy serviceman Mauricio Ruiz became the first openly gay member of the nation's armed forces, accepting the government's launch campaign to help integrate homosexuals into the military. On August 13 2014, The Defense Ministry ordered the creation of a new committee to monitor inclusion and tackle LGBT discrimination in the armed forces. The resolution, signed by Defense Minister Jorge Burgos, established the government as responsible for creating a more inclusive armed services. Sources: http://www.movilh.cl/ministro-de-defensa-garantiza-no-discriminacion-a-minorias-sexuales-en-fuerzas-armadas/ http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-28961883 http://www.movilh.cl/gran-avance-ministerio-de-defensa-crea-comite-por-la-diversidad-y-la-no-discriminacion-en-las-fuerzas-armadas/"
  • Status is not correct "The Military of Chile does not discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation. It was strengthened with the anti-discrimination law enacted in 2012."
  • Other "No es permitido y aun se espera por políticas publicas de incorporación... "