Entry #456: Homosexual activity in Venezuela

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionVenezuela is one of only two South American countries to never punish homosexuality since their formation as a sovereign state. (The other being Bolivia) The only cases of homosexuals being prosecuted was under the law reagrading Vagrants and Thugs, although the legislation did not specify homosexuals, authorities would occasionally apply the law on homosexual individuals who practiced prostitution with reports of re-education camps as punishment. In 1997, the Supreme Court of Justice declared this law unconstitutional.

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Revision History (2)

edited by PersianArchitecture. History of legality of homosexuality in Venezuela

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start DateJun 5, 1997(unknown)
DescriptionEven though homosexuality was not directly illegal, a law regarding Vagrants and Thugs could have indirectly punished LGBT community. This act was repealed in 1997. Venezuela is one of only two South American countries to never punish homosexuality since their formation as a sovereign state. (The other being Bolivia) The only cases of homosexuals being prosecuted was under the law reagrading Vagrants and Thugs, although the legislation did not specify homosexuals, authorities would occasionally apply the law on homosexual individuals who practiced prostitution with reports of re-education camps as punishment. In 1997, the Supreme Court of Justice declared this law unconstitutional.
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Even though homosexuality was not directly illegal, a law regarding Vagrants and Thugs could have indirectly punished LGBT community. This act was repealed in 1997. Venezuela is one of only two South American countries to never punish homosexuality since their formation as a sovereign state. (The other being Bolivia) The only cases of homosexuals being prosecuted was under the law reagrading Vagrants and Thugs, although the legislation did not specify homosexuals, authorities would occasionally apply the law on homosexual individuals who practiced prostitution with reports of re-education camps as punishment. In 1997, the Supreme Court of Justice declared this law unconstitutional.
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http://www.monografias.com/trabajos74/sentencia-derogada-ley-vago-maleantes/sentencia-derogada-ley-vago-maleantes2.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20150924072340/http://www.pgr.gob.ve/dmdocuments/1956/25129.pdf https://revistas-colaboracion.juridicas.unam.mx/index.php/boletin-derecho-comparado/article/view/9198/8293 http://www.monografias.com/trabajos74/sentencia-derogada-ley-vago-maleantes/sentencia-derogada-ley-vago-maleantes2.shtml https://www.reis.cis.es/REIS/jsp/REIS.jsp?opcion=articulo&ktitulo=1876&autor=JORDI+M.+MONFERRER+TOM%C1S

created by vviet93

Original entry
Start DateJun 5, 1997
End Date(none)
DescriptionEven though homosexuality was not directly illegal, a law regarding Vagrants and Thugs could have indirectly punished LGBT community. This act was repealed in 1997.
Reports (1)
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