Entry #431: Same-sex marriage in Ukraine

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Date(unknown)
End DateJun 28, 1996
DescriptionBefore Ukraine's Constitution of 1996 went into effect, there were no laws that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.

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Revision History (8)

edited by Unknownmiles. I put an end date and fixed description

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJun 17, 2018(unknown)
End Date2022Jun 28, 1996
DescriptionIn June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage.

Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed."

In August 2022, the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine’s government may allow civil partnerships for same-sex couples in the future.
Before Ukraine's Constitution of 1996 went into effect, there were no laws that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
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In June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage. Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed." In August 2022, the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine’s government may allow civil partnerships for same-sex couples in the future. Before Ukraine's Constitution of 1996 went into effect, there were no laws that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
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https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/justice-ministry-no-legal-grounds-in-ukraine-currently-for-same-sex-marriage.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/02/world/europe/zelensky-same-sex-marriage.html https://rm.coe.int/constitution-of-ukraine/168071f58b https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2022/08/02/world/europe/zelensky-same-sex-marriage.amp.html

edited by l_hrz. unregonized

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)2022

edited by beeurd. added more recent source

Old Value New Value
End DateAug 2, 2022(none)
DescriptionIn June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage.

Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed."
In June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage.

Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed."

In August 2022, the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine’s government may allow civil partnerships for same-sex couples in the future.
Show Difference
In June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage. Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed." developed." In August 2022, the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine’s government may allow civil partnerships for same-sex couples in the future.
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https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/justice-ministry-no-legal-grounds-in-ukraine-currently-for-same-sex-marriage.html https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/justice-ministry-no-legal-grounds-in-ukraine-currently-for-same-sex-marriage.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/02/world/europe/zelensky-same-sex-marriage.html

edited by _it4_

Old Value New Value
Start DateJun 2018Jun 17, 2018

edited by _it4_

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jun 2018

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Aug 2, 2022

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionIn June of 2018, the Ukraine justice ministry said that there is no legal grounds in Ukraine currently for same-sex marriage.

Deputy Justice Minister Natalia Bernatska has said, "To date, no draft laws or government decisions regarding the legalization of same-sex partnerships in civilian or other forms have been developed."
Reports (1)
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "There will be a legalization of same sex marriages soon. Zelenskiy said that meanwhile we are in the war he cannot make any more laws due to “war-state”, but he promised that after the war he will legalize same sex marriages."

created by kevinkobori

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Ukraine is not in tbe EU so EU law doesn't apply"
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "In Ukraine same sex marriage is illegal. As you write below in Adoption article."