Entry #3388: Conversion therapy in Bolivia

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
Start DateJan 2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people.

Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited."

Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that “Reparative Therapy, which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
SourcesNorma de Atención Integral para la población LGBTIQ+ en establecimientos de salud:



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Revision History (6)

edited by Nathan. fixed description

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateApr 2022Jan 2022
DescriptionThe Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in
health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people.

Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited."

Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that "“Reparative Therapy,” which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
The Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people.

Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited."

Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that “Reparative Therapy, which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
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The Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people. Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited." Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that "“Reparative Therapy,” which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care." facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people. Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited." Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that “Reparative Therapy, which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."

edited by Nathan. Medical ban. Sources added

Old Value New Value
ValueNot bannedBanned
Start Date(unknown)Apr 2022
Descriptionannounced at a gala. Conversion therapy ban pending.The Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in
health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people.

Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited."

Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that "“Reparative Therapy,” which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
Show Difference
announced at a gala. Conversion therapy ban pending. The Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people. Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited." Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that "“Reparative Therapy,” which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
Sourceshttp://queer-voices.com/2016/02/conversion-therapy-ban-announced-hrc-gala/Norma de Atención Integral para la población LGBTIQ+ en establecimientos de salud:


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http://queer-voices.com/2016/02/conversion-therapy-ban-announced-hrc-gala/ Norma de Atención Integral para la población LGBTIQ+ en establecimientos de salud: https://www.studocu.com/bo/document/instituto-tecnico-icepal/salud-publica/norma-de-atencion-integral-para-poblacion-lgbtiq-en-establecimientos-de-salud/86043526 https://www.minsalud.gob.bo/7121-comunidad-lgtbiq-cuenta-con-norma-que-garantiza-una-atencion-integral-en-establecimientos-de-salud https://www.abi.bo/index.php/sociedad2/29520-presentan-norma-para-garantizar-atencion-integral-en-centros-de-salud-a-la-comunidad-lgtbi#:~:text=La%20norma%20establece%20que%20el,de%20la%20cartera%20de%20Salud.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not banned
Special StatusAmbiguousNot banned
Descriptionannounced at a galaannounced at a gala. Conversion therapy ban pending.

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
Special StatusBannedAmbiguous

edited by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNot bannedBanned
DescriptionNoannounced at a gala
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Source is wrong. There is no law banning conversion therapy in Bolivia."

created by Ausyk

Original entry
StatusNot banned
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)