Current Version
Region | Philippines |
Issue | Same-sex marriage |
Status | Unrecognized |
Start Date | Aug 4, 1988 |
End Date | (none) |
Description | Legalization pending. Law makers say denying gay marriage is unconstitutional. Same sex weddings do happen in The Philippines and can be blessed, but just not registered. Civil unions pending. |
Sources | |
Reports (2)
- Status is not correct "Why we not legalize the law about same sex married just same with a feeling to each one of them."
- Sources are invalid or broken
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Revision History (4)
Old Value | New Value (Current) | |
Description | Legalization pending. Law makers say denying gay marriage is unconstitutional. Civil unions pending. | Legalization pending. Law makers say denying gay marriage is unconstitutional. Same sex weddings do happen in The Philippines and can be blessed, but just not registered. Civil unions pending. |
Show Difference |
Old Value (Original) | New Value | |
Description | Legalization pending. Law makers say denying gay marriage is unconstitutional. Civil unions pending. |
Reports (3)
- Status is not correct "There is no bill filled in congress or senate for same-sex unions to be legalised."
- Status is not correct "The debates have already concluded."
- Status is not correct "My cousin is gay and married. These are lies"