Entry #196: Homosexual activity in China

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateMar 14, 1997
End Date(none)
DescriptionChina’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex have been removed.
Sourceshttps://ilga.org/downloads/ILGA_World_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_report_global_legislation_overview_update_December_2020.pdf (page 101)


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Revision History (11)

edited by Unknownmiles. Fixing the grammar.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionChina’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex were removed.China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex have been removed.
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China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex were removed. have been removed.

edited by Unknownmiles. fixing date and adding stuff to description

Old Value New Value
Start Date1997Mar 14, 1997
DescriptionChina’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex. China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex were removed.
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China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex. sex and all previous laws against homosexual sex were removed.

edited by Markissik. Fixing the status after several reports + fixing the description + adding one more source + adding the date law began

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousLegal
Start Date(unknown)1997
DescriptionWhile no laws ever existed to criminalize sodomy, homosexual can still be classified as a mental disorder.China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex.
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While no laws ever existed to criminalize sodomy, homosexual can still be classified as a mental disorder. China’s current Penal Code (1997) contains no explicit prohibition of consensual sexual acts between persons of the same sex.
Sourceshttps://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorderhttps://ilga.org/downloads/ILGA_World_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_report_global_legislation_overview_update_December_2020.pdf (page 101)

Show Difference
https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorder https://ilga.org/downloads/ILGA_World_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_report_global_legislation_overview_update_December_2020.pdf (page 101) https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorder

edited by cihalcoc. It is ambiguous

Old Value New Value
Special StatusLegalAmbiguous
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "It's fully legal"
  • Status is not correct "Homosexuality is completely legal in China"
  • Date is incorrect "Legal since 1997"
  • Status is not correct "It's legal"

edited by Pizzaslices412653. No laws criminalizing homosexuality.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousLegal

edited by CHR0LL0PH0BICCC

Old Value New Value
DescriptionWhile homosexuality is not specifically illegal, it can still be classified as a mental disorder.While no laws ever existed to criminalize sodomy, homosexual can still be classified as a mental disorder.
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While homosexuality is not specifically illegal, it can still be classified as a mental disorder. no laws ever existed to criminalize sodomy, homosexual can still be classified as a mental disorder.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "The fact, that some chinese courts consider homosexuality as an «illness», doesn't make its legality ambiguous, because it doesn't criminalise same-sex sexual activity. So the correct status should be «Legal»."

edited by CHR0LL0PH0BICCC

Old Value New Value
Special StatusLegalAmbiguous
Start Date1997(unknown)
DescriptionHomosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997 and was declassified as a mental disorders in 2001. According to a 2010 report by IGLHRC, "the Chinese government has remained largely silent on the issue of homosexuality."While homosexuality is not specifically illegal, it can still be classified as a mental disorder.
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Homosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997 and was declassified as a mental disorders in 2001. According to a 2010 report by IGLHRC, "the Chinese government has remained largely silent on the issue of homosexuality." While homosexuality is not specifically illegal, it can still be classified as a mental disorder.
Show Difference
http://www.iglhrc.org/content/china-legal-position-and-status-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-people-people%E2%80%99s http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/06/is-gay-marriage-coming-to-china/277296/ https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorder
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_China"

edited by danlev

Old Value New Value
Show Difference
http://www.iglhrc.org/content/china-legal-position-and-status-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-people-people%E2%80%99s http://www.iglhrc.org/content/china-legal-position-and-status-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-people-people%E2%80%99s http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/06/is-gay-marriage-coming-to-china/277296/
Reports (11)
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Newer law has been passed "https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorder. It has been decriminalized but legally can still be considered a mental disorder. "
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "It was never criminalized at the first place so there is no such thing “decriminalize” to begin with. It is grey area/topic never clearly addressed in Chinese legal system. The only opinion was a 1964 opinion by chinee Supreme Court that consensual between/among adults in private place is not a offense/crime."
  • Status is not correct "China will arrest anyone and anything that is confused on its sexuality."
  • Status is not correct "It should be "was not declassified as a mental disorders in 2001""
  • Status is not correct "test"
  • Status is not correct "test"
  • Status is not correct "test"
  • Status is not correct "test"
  • Status is not correct "test"

edited by danlev

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997.Homosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997 and was declassified as a mental disorders in 2001. According to a 2010 report by IGLHRC, "the Chinese government has remained largely silent on the issue of homosexuality."
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Homosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997. and was declassified as a mental disorders in 2001. According to a 2010 report by IGLHRC, "the Chinese government has remained largely silent on the issue of homosexuality."

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997.

created by bradcoffey106

Original entry
Start Date1997
End Date(none)