Entry #1892: Equal age of consent in Texas

Current Version

IssueEqual age of consent
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionAge of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.

Revision History (9)

edited by Unknownmiles. Reverting to revision #38411: this is the correct status also adding a link

Old Value New Value (Current)
SourcesTexas Penal Code Section 21.11https://wilderfirm.com/what-is-the-age-of-consent-in-texas/#:~:text=The%20age%20of%20consent%20in%20Texas%20is%2017%20years%20of,consenting%20compared%20to%20just%20consenting.
Show Difference
Texas Penal Code Section 21.11 https://wilderfirm.com/what-is-the-age-of-consent-in-texas/#:~:text=The%20age%20of%20consent%20in%20Texas%20is%2017%20years%20of,consenting%20compared%20to%20just%20consenting.

edited by johnteg. update romeo juliet

Old Value New Value
DescriptionAge of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.Age of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.
Show Difference
Age of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’. "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.

edited by cihalcoc. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value

edited by johnteg. repaired

Old Value New Value

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousEqual
DescriptionAge of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners.Age of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.
Show Difference
Age of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners. partners, but this still technically doesn’t make aoc ‘unequal’.

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
Special StatusEqualAmbiguous

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousEqual

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusEqualAmbiguous
DescriptionAge of consent is equitable regardless of gender or orientation.Age of consent is 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners.
Show Difference
Age of consent is equitable regardless of gender or orientation. 17 regardless of gender or orientation. However, Texas has a "Romeo and Juliet law" allowing younger people of similar ages to consent, but the wording of this law excludes same-sex partners.

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionAge of consent is equitable regardless of gender or orientation.
SourcesTexas Penal Code Section 21.11
Reports (7)
  • Other "Ambiguous: Texas does have an equal general age of consent (17), but it has a close in age exemption that specifically excludes same-sex couples. (Penal Code Section 21.11 and Penal Code Section 22.011)"
  • Status is not correct "This is inaccurate due to the Romeo and Juliet law that excludes lgbtq couples/partners "
  • Status is not correct "Romeo and Juliet law only applies to opposite couples "
  • Status is not correct "The Romeo & Juliet law in Texas specifies that the partners are "opposite sex""
  • Status is not correct "Status is not completely correct. Tex. Penal Code § 21.11(b) (2019). In regards to the Romeo and Juliet Law, which allows for the mitigation of statutory rape charges in young couples close in age - "It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor: (1) was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex;" therefore, the Romeo and Juliet law would not apply to young same-sex couples."
  • Status is not correct "Actually, the Romeo and Juliet clause is specifically not applicable to same-sex couples, which means while a straight couple can have an age difference of up to 3 years (36 months), in a same-sex couple both individuals must be over the age of consent."
  • Other "Age of consent may be equal but the romeo and juliet law only applies to straight youth "