Entry #14934: LGBT housing discrimination in Santa Cruz

Current Version

RegionSanta Cruz
IssueLGBT housing discrimination
StatusGender identity only
Start Date2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Comprehensive Law on the Recognition and Historical Reparation of the Rights of Transgender People (2020) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression.
(Article 2-d)

Revision History (1)

created by Nathan

Original entry
StatusGender identity only
Start Date2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Comprehensive Law on the Recognition and Historical Reparation of the Rights of Transgender People (2020) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression.
Sourceshttps://www.jussantacruz.gob.ar/pdfs/oficina-genero/ley-3724.pdf (Article 2-d)