Entry #13612: LGBT employment discrimination in Turkmenistan

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Labor Code does not ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Revision History (4)

edited by Nathan. Source added

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueGender identity onlyNo protections
Start DateJul 1, 2009(unknown)
DescriptionArticle 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, Transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.The Labor Code does not ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Article 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, Transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers. The Labor Code does not ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
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https://cis-legislation.com/document.fwx?rgn=3180 https://www.dlapiperdataprotection.com/index.html?t=law&c=TM https://www.kitaphana.net/book/1123 https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/legislation/details/14673 https://www.tds.gov.tm/en/20-labor-code-of-turkmenistan https://www.tds.gov.tm/en/20-labor-code-of-turkmenistan https://afew.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ECOM_Legal-Environment-Assessment-2019_Turkmenistan_ENG.pdf https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/528267_TURKMENISTAN-2023-HUMAN-RIGHTS-REPORT.pdf

edited by JuliaB. correction of errors

Old Value New Value
DescriptionArticle 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.Article 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, Transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.
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Article 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers. the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.

edited by JuliaB. correction of errors

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionArticle 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Article 6 of the Employment Act of June 29, 2016 define state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those included in Article 17 1) regarding the requirement for information to be provided to the National Labor Agency in order to monitor potential cases discrimination, including gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Article 21 of the Civil Code Act of July 17, 1998, Transsexual persons have the right to legally change their legal gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery. Pursuant to Act number 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, transgender people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.Article 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.
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Article 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Article 6 of the Employment Act of June 29, 2016 define state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those included in Article 17 1) regarding the requirement for information to be provided to the National Labor Agency in order to monitor potential cases discrimination, including gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Article 21 of the Civil Code Act of July 17, 1998, Transsexual persons have the right to legally change their legal gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery. Pursuant to Act number 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, transgender people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers. Art. 6 of the Employment Law of June 29, 2016, specify state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those contained in Art. 17 1) within the scope of the obligation to inform, submitted to the National Employment Agency in order to monitor potential cases of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Art. 21 of the Civil Code of July 17, 1998, transsexual people have the right to legally change their gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery, which was confirmed in an official document of the Turkmen State Publishing Service in the field of medicine and health from 2012, which recognized Transsexualism as a problem under consideration in Turkmenistan, taking into account medical procedures based on ICD(1981, 1999). According to Law No. 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, Transsexual people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.

created by JuliaB

Original entry
StatusGender identity only
Start DateJul 1, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionArticle 7 of the Labor Code of July 1, 2009 and Article 6 of the Employment Act of June 29, 2016 define state guarantees regarding legal protection against all forms of discrimination, including those included in Article 17 1) regarding the requirement for information to be provided to the National Labor Agency in order to monitor potential cases discrimination, including gender. Since 1972, pursuant to the MOH regulation and then pursuant to Article 21 of the Civil Code Act of July 17, 1998, Transsexual persons have the right to legally change their legal gender after undergoing gender reassignment surgery. Pursuant to Act number 519-V on information about private life and its protection of March 20, 2017, transgender people who have formally changed their official documents are protected against discrimination by employers.
Sourceshttps://cis-legislation.com/document.fwx?rgn=3180 https://www.dlapiperdataprotection.com/index.html?t=law&c=TM https://www.kitaphana.net/book/1123 https://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/legislation/details/14673 https://www.tds.gov.tm/en/20-labor-code-of-turkmenistan