Entry #13437: Blood donations by MSMs in Mali

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe National Blood Transfusion Center states that the donor must complete a questionnaire that allows the doctor to ensure that he or she is in good health, which could make donation difficult for LGBT people.

There are no official sources from the Ministry of Health regarding the questionnaire for donating blood.

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Revision History (2)

edited by Nathan. Source added

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Special StatusLegalAmbiguous
DescriptionThere is currently no ban on gay blood donors in Mali.The National Blood Transfusion Center states that the donor must complete a questionnaire that allows the doctor to ensure that he or she is in good health, which could make donation difficult for LGBT people.

There are no official sources from the Ministry of Health regarding the questionnaire for donating blood.
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There is currently no ban on gay blood donors in Mali. The National Blood Transfusion Center states that the donor must complete a questionnaire that allows the doctor to ensure that he or she is in good health, which could make donation difficult for LGBT people. There are no official sources from the Ministry of Health regarding the questionnaire for donating blood.
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https://www.veripalvelu.fi/en/faq/?search=Mali&category=blood-donation http://www.sante.gov.ml/index.php/nep-mali/item/705-centre-national-de-transfusion-sanguine

created by Unknownmiles

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere is currently no ban on gay blood donors in Mali.