Entry #13152: Gender-affirming care in Yukon

Current Version

IssueGender-affirming care
Start Date2000
End Date(none)
DescriptionYukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expanded in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories.
This includes:
-Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient)
-Chest contouring
-Body contouring
-Hair removal
-Medical and travel costs
-Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K)
-Voice therapy
-Vocal surgery
-Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society)
-Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care

To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider.

Revision History (2)

edited by DaisyGeekyTrans. Fixing spelling error.

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start Date(unknown)2000
DescriptionYukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expended in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories.
This includes:
-Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient)
-Chest contouring
-Body contouring
-Hair removal
-Medical and travel costs
-Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K)
-Voice therapy
-Vocal surgery
-Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society)
-Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care

To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider.
Yukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expanded in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories.
This includes:
-Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient)
-Chest contouring
-Body contouring
-Hair removal
-Medical and travel costs
-Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K)
-Voice therapy
-Vocal surgery
-Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society)
-Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care

To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider.
Show Difference
Yukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expended in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories. This includes: -Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient) -Vaginoplasty -Phalloplasty -Metoidioplasty -Penectomy -Hysterectomy -Salpingo-oophorectomy -Orchiectomy -Mastectomy -Chest contouring -Body contouring -Hair removal -Medical and travel costs -Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K) -Voice therapy -Vocal surgery -Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society) -Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider. expanded in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories. This includes: -Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient) -Vaginoplasty -Phalloplasty -Metoidioplasty -Penectomy -Hysterectomy -Salpingo-oophorectomy -Orchiectomy -Mastectomy -Chest contouring -Body contouring -Hair removal -Medical and travel costs -Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K) -Voice therapy -Vocal surgery -Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society) -Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider.

created by Notdog1996

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionYukon currently covers most gender-affirming care a person could request. The list was vastly expended in 2021, making Yukon the one that covers the most gender-affirming care among all provinces and territories. This includes: -Hormone therapy (medical practitioner must apply to benefits program on behalf of patient) -Vaginoplasty -Phalloplasty -Metoidioplasty -Penectomy -Hysterectomy -Salpingo-oophorectomy -Orchiectomy -Mastectomy -Chest contouring -Body contouring -Hair removal -Medical and travel costs -Facial feminization surgery ($30K-$50K) -Voice therapy -Vocal surgery -Mental wellness services (through All Genders Yukon Society) -Training for healthcare professionals (at no cost) to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive WPATH gender-inclusive care To receive this care, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have a referral from a mental health provider.