Entry #12768: LGBT discrimination in Greece

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
Start DateFeb 16, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe marriage equality bill changed the 4443/2016
law, extending the prohibition of discrimination to social protection, social benefits, education and access to the availability and provision of goods and services protections (including housing), enshrining full legal coverage against discrimination.

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Revision History (4)

edited by Unknownmiles. Fixing the date of the entry

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateFeb 15, 2024Feb 16, 2024

edited by hreestos. Updated

Old Value New Value
Start DateSep 2017Feb 15, 2024
DescriptionThe Greek law protected LGB people from discrimination since 2016, but in September 2017, the law was emended and started covering transgender people. The same-sex marriage law, passed in February 15th, 2024 also reinforced it.The marriage equality bill changed the 4443/2016
law, extending the prohibition of discrimination to social protection, social benefits, education and access to the availability and provision of goods and services protections (including housing), enshrining full legal coverage against discrimination.
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The Greek law protected LGB people from discrimination since 2016, but in September 2017, the law was emended and started covering transgender people. The same-sex marriage law, passed in February 15th, 2024 also reinforced it. equality bill changed the 4443/2016 law, extending the prohibition of discrimination to social protection, social benefits, education and access to the availability and provision of goods and services protections (including housing), enshrining full legal coverage against discrimination.
Reports (2)
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Newer law has been passed

edited by br0okklyn. Because the laws changed.

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Start DateFeb 15, 2024Sep 2017
End DateFeb 16, 2024(none)
DescriptionThe new law that will allow gay marriage will add all the necessary protections for LGBT individuals as well.The Greek law protected LGB people from discrimination since 2016, but in September 2017, the law was emended and started covering transgender people. The same-sex marriage law, passed in February 15th, 2024 also reinforced it.
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The new law that will allow gay marriage will add all the necessary protections for LGBT individuals as well. Greek law protected LGB people from discrimination since 2016, but in September 2017, the law was emended and started covering transgender people. The same-sex marriage law, passed in February 15th, 2024 also reinforced it.
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http://www.opengov.gr/ypep/?p=848 http://www.opengov.gr/ypep/?p=848 http://www.opengov.gr/ministryofjustice/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2013/12/Dikaiomata.pdf

created by hreestos

Original entry
Start DateFeb 15, 2024
End DateFeb 16, 2024
DescriptionThe new law that will allow gay marriage will add all the necessary protections for LGBT individuals as well.