Entry #11847: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Brazil

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusIntersex only
Start DateJul 23, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionIntersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally.

However in some states, non-binary people can also have the same registration.

Revision History (9)

edited by Notdog1996. Please do not change again. The status needs to be according to the highest federal recognition to be consistent with the status of other countries on Equaldex.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Intersex only
DescriptionIntersex people are recognized nationwide in Brazil, but non-binary people only can change their legal gender in some states, sometimes having to open a court case.Intersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally.

However in some states, non-binary people can also have the same registration.
Show Difference
Intersex people are recognized nationwide in Brazil, but non-binary people only can change their legal gender in some states, sometimes having to open a court case. children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally. However in some states, non-binary people can also have the same registration.

edited by br0okklyn. status and description were not accurate.

Old Value New Value
ValueIntersex only(REMOVED)
DescriptionIntersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally.

However, non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil.
Intersex people are recognized nationwide in Brazil, but non-binary people only can change their legal gender in some states, sometimes having to open a court case.
Show Difference
Intersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally. However, non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil. are recognized nationwide in Brazil, but non-binary people only can change their legal gender in some states, sometimes having to open a court case.

edited by Notdog1996. For the sake of consistency with other countries that offer some kind of recognition on the federal level.

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Intersex only
DescriptionIntersex children can be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate. Non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil, court ruling pending.Intersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally.

However, non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil.
Show Difference
Intersex children can be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate. Non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil, court ruling pending. to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally. However, non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil.

edited by Sky. Correction of information.

Old Value New Value
Start DateOct 15, 2021Jul 23, 2021
DescriptionSão Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex nationwide.Intersex children can be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate. Non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil, court ruling pending.
Show Difference
São Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex nationwide. Intersex children can be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate. Non-binary people can have the same registration in some regions of Brazil, court ruling pending.
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https://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021 https://www.cnj.jus.br/novas-regras-permitem-registrar-criancas-com-o-sexo-ignorado-na-dnv/ https://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021

edited by Sky. Small correction of the date.

Old Value New Value
Start Date2021Oct 15, 2021
Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Brazil https://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021 https://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021

edited by Notdog1996. Merging of the other duplicate entry by adding the sources.

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)2021
Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Brazil https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Brazil https://defensoria.rj.def.br/noticia/detalhes/13973-Genero-nao-binarie-e-incluido-em-certidoes-de-nascimento https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/radioagencia-nacional/direitos-humanos/audio/2020-09/justica-do-rj-reconhece-direito-de-pessoa-nao-binaria-mudar-documentos https://pautaindependente.com.br/documentos-agora-podem-constar-genero-nao-binario/ https://www.jota.info/justica/nao-binario-documento-tjsp-01112021
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Non-binary is recognized in all states of Brazil, i live in here. "

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSão Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex.São Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex nationwide.
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São Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex. intersex nationwide.

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionSão Paulo and Rio de Janeiro legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex.São Paulo legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex.
Show Difference
São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex.

created by Ro_Guy

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionSão Paulo and Rio de Janeiro legalized in 2021 for example; states like Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul legalizes too. Out of that, is intersex.