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Sky edited an entry in Cape Verde.
"Fixing description text."
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
There are no laws banning invasive and unnecessary medical procedures on intersex children in Cape Verde.
Sky edited an entry in Brazil.
"Only gay conversion therapy banned."
Conversion therapy: Sexual orientation only from Jan 1, 2017 to Jan 1, 2018.
The same judge changed his decision, keeping the “treatment” banned.
Sky edited an entry in Brazil.
"Only gay conversion therapy banned"
Conversion therapy: Sexual orientation only from Mar 22, 1999 to Sep 19, 2017.
On March 22, 1999, Brazil became the first country to ban gay conversion therapy. The Federal Council of Psychology enacted Resolution CFP No. 001/99, which explicitly states that "homosexuality…
Sky edited an entry in Brazil.
"Only gay conversion therapy banned."
Conversion therapy: Banned from Mar 22, 1999 to Sep 19, 2017.
On March 22, 1999, Brazil became the first country to ban gay conversion therapy. The Federal Council of Psychology enacted Resolution CFP No. 001/99, which explicitly states that "homosexuality…
Sky created an entry in Portugal.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Aug 30, 2008 to (none).
From 2008 onwards, gender identity began to be included in anti-discrimination laws in different cases in Portugal.
Sky edited an entry in Portugal.
"Fixing the dates."
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Jul 24, 2004 to Aug 29, 2008.
Article 13 explicitly prohibits discriminations on the basis of sexual orientations
Sky created an entry in Vietnam.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not banned in Vietnam.
Sky created an entry in Cambodia.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not criminalized in Cambodia.
Sky created an entry in Thailand.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not criminalized.
Sky created an entry in Suriname.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
No laws banning it.
Sky created an entry in Palestine.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not banned in Palestine.
Sky created an entry in Guyana.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not criminalized in Guyana.
Sky created an entry in Sweden.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
No laws banning it in Sweden.
Sky created an entry in Venezuela.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
No laws banning it in Venezuela.
Sky created an entry in Venezuela.
Same-sex adoption: Single only from Nov 1, 2006 to (none).
Only single parent adoption is legal.
Sky created an entry in Paraguay.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
No laws banning it.
Sky created an entry in Peru.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not criminalized in Peru.
Sky created an entry in Ecuador.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Not banned in Ecuador.
Sky created an entry in Finland.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
In June 2019, two of the legislative plans for the next four years released by the newly-elected Rinne Cabinet included a ban on surgery on intersex babies and the removal of compulsory…
Sky created an entry in Netherlands.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
In December 2019, the House of Representatives adopted a motion tabled by Vera Bergkamp and Kirsten van den Hul calling on the government to investigate the extent of intersex medical interventions…
Sky created an entry in Andorra.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Intersex children are still not protected against unnecessary and non-consensual surgical interventions in Andorra.
Sky created an entry in Denmark.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Invasive and non-consensual medical procedures on intersex children have not yet been banned in Denmark.
Sky created an entry in Norway.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
According to two reports published in March 2019 by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, it was recommended to postpone medical interventions on intersex babies until…
Sky created an entry in Colombia.
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Oct 25, 1999 to (none).
In 1999, in Judgment SU-337/99 (1999), the Constitutional Court ruled that surgery on a child's genitals can only be authorized with the consent of the intersex child and that the recommendations of…
Sky created an entry in Brazil.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
Unnecessary and non-consensual surgical procedures on intersex people have not yet been banned in Brazil.
Sky created an entry in Argentina.
Intersex infant surgery: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
In 2018, Bill No. 7037-D-2018 aimed at banning involuntary and/or unnecessary medical treatments and procedures that modify a person's sexual characteristics was presented in the Argentine Federal…
Sky created an entry in region.
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Jun 30, 2018 to (none).
In 2018, the Constitutional Court ruled that medical interventions on intersex people should be avoided as much as possible and can only be justified in life-threatening cases.
Sky created an entry in Spain.
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Feb 16, 2023 to (none).
With the approval of the Trans Law on February 16, 2023, it was established that intersex minors should not receive unnecessary medical interventions, except in cases where medical advice requires…
Sky created an entry in Portugal.
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Aug 7, 2018 to (none).
Non-consensual gender reassignment treatment and surgical intervention on intersex children have been prohibited by law since August 2018 under Article 5 of Law No. 38.
Sky created an entry in Uruguay.
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Jan 9, 2018 to (none).
Unnecessary medical procedures for intersex children and adolescents have been prohibited since January 2018 by Article 22 of Law No. 19,580.