Entry #117: Same-sex marriage in Uruguay

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateAug 5, 2013
End Date(none)
DescriptionSame-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage, and the third South American country to do so after Argentina and Brazil.

Revision History (6)

edited by rainfog. was wrong date of legalization

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateApr 10, 2013Aug 5, 2013

edited by Doomdorm64. Grammar change

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSame-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the third South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage, and the third South American country to do so after Argentina and Brazil.
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Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the third South American country, after Argentina and Brazil. marriage, and the third South American country to do so after Argentina and Brazil.

edited by Doomdorm64. Tweaking description

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSame-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the second South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the third South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.
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Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the second South American country, after Argentina and Brazil. third South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.

edited by Doomdorm64. Correct info

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSame-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the twelfth country in the world to legalize gay marriage and the second Latin American country, after Argentina.Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the second South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.
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Same-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the twelfth country in the world to legalize gay marriage and the second Latin American country, after Argentina. fourteenth country in the world to legalise gay marriage and the second South American country, after Argentina and Brazil.

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionSame-sex marriage became legal in Uruguay after the passing of the Equal Marriage Act. Uruguay became the twelfth country in the world to legalize gay marriage and the second Latin American country, after Argentina.
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http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2012/06/12/uruguay-reconoce-legalidad-de-matrimonio-homosexual-celebrado-en-el-extranjero-4032.html http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1172501-uruguay-aprobaron-la-ley-que-permite-la-adopcion-a-parejas-gay http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2012/06/12/uruguay-reconoce-legalidad-de-matrimonio-homosexual-celebrado-en-el-extranjero-4032.html http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1172501-uruguay-aprobaron-la-ley-que-permite-la-adopcion-a-parejas-gay http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/08/06/same-sex-couples-begin-tying-the-knot-in-uruguay/
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Uruguay was the first country in Latin America"
  • Status is not correct "Uruguay was the first country in Latin America"

created by celoafonso

Original entry
Start DateApr 10, 2013
End Date(none)
Sourceshttp://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2012/06/12/uruguay-reconoce-legalidad-de-matrimonio-homosexual-celebrado-en-el-extranjero-4032.html http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1172501-uruguay-aprobaron-la-ley-que-permite-la-adopcion-a-parejas-gay