Entry #1160: Blood donations by MSMs in Trinidad and Tobago

Current Version

RegionTrinidad and Tobago
IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start Date(unknown)
End Date-0001
DescriptionMen who have had sex with another man are prohibited from blood donation and women who have had sex with a man who has had sex with another man are prohibited for one year from donation.
Reports (1)
  • Duplicate entry "Source is broken. Other status says different, date overlap. https://health.gov.tt/blood-donation-frequently-asked-questions"

Revision History (2)

edited by Markissik. There's a new entry. However, the ending date is unknown.

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
End Date(none)-0001

created by katetheporcupine

Original entry
StatusBanned (indefinite deferral)
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionMen who have had sex with another man are prohibited from blood donation and women who have had sex with a man who has had sex with another man are prohibited for one year from donation.
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "I would hesitate to say banned because according to the Ministry of Health's website on blood donation, prospective persons who have had male-to-male sexual intercourse is deferred for 3 months after their last act. (https://health.gov.tt/blood-donation-frequently-asked-questions under 'Sexual Behaviours') The now dead source link (please update with archived one https://web.archive.org/web/20190802163014/https://www.ttconnect.gov.tt/gortt/portal/ttconnect/!ut/p/a1/jdBND0NAEAbgX-NqBtmG3hxU0aShX-ylodkuDVZQ-vOrbqJfc5vJ8yZvBiiEQMu4y3jcZqKM89dOF2fPV5E4hoZbHw1UA0exkHiavlcHEE1AYK8GYBFl7R01RPwvjx_G_JnfsRJOQL8x2yUzMK85gi89XKA8F8n4k8gsE03nQGt2ZTWr5Xs9nNO2rZqlhBL2fS9zIXjO5IsoJHwXSUXTQjiVUBWH8OHcSN5tzCdwLMaE/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=%2Fgortt%2Fwcm%2Fconnect%2Fgortt+web+content%2FTTConnect%2FCitizen%2FRole%2FAParent%2FEmergencyServices%2FDonating+Blood) is where it is mentioned that MSMs are prohibited from giving blood and though I don't see any articles of the opposite, I would like to believe the Ministry of Health's guidelines take precedence at this time. "
  • Status is not correct "it was never legal"
  • Status is not correct "Once you engage in anal intercourse it is prohibited."
  • Sources are invalid or broken