Entry #11261: Homosexual activity in Indonesia

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Last Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateAug 9, 2001
End DateDec 6, 2022
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

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Revision History (38)

deleted by danlev. Duplciate / overlapping entry

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value

edited by ignatiusnathanl. Ambiguous status now, no more legal

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Dec 6, 2022

edited by LGBTsoutheastasian. The law of 2022 have not yet been signed into law by the President, it is also in effect for 3 years. For now we still use the secular European national criminal code.

Old Value New Value

edited by LGBTsoutheastasian. The law of 2022 have not yet been signed into law by the President, it is also in effect for 3 years. For now we still use the secular European national criminal code.

Old Value New Value
End DateDec 6, 2022(none)

edited by Willow

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Dec 6, 2022

edited by LGBTsoutheastasian

Old Value New Value

edited by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value New Value

edited by LGBTsoutheastasian

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Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "As Indonesian, while the status of law never mention the ban of LGBTQ rights or homosexuality. Often they targeted by police force through another law such as adultery or the crime of facilitating obscene acts and under a 2008 pornography law, which carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. judging by situation and the current society act towards the LGBTQ community in Indonesia, it is not fair to put it as legal status. Please change it "

edited by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. Illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

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https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/ https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/ https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

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https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/ https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/ https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

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https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

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https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. law, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://www.reuters.com/world/indonesia-summons-britains-envoy-after-furore-over-rainbow-flag-2022-05-23/

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18 years old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. old. Partially illegal in the Autonomous province of Aceh. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts, an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts, an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts, an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. Although the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts, an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. age of consent is 18. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. interpretation of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. Indonesia. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. In 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison. Although, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. homosexuality, does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private, non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province, which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though, the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act, coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
Start DateAug 16, 1945Aug 9, 2001
End DateOct 25, 2015(none)
DescriptionThe date listed is the ratification of the Indonesian Constitution. Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of Aceh and the city of Palembang .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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The date listed is the ratification of the Indonesian Constitution. Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of Aceh and the city of Palembang . Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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https://76crimes.com/76-countries-where-homosexuality-is-illegal/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
Start Date1993Aug 16, 1945
End Date(none)Oct 25, 2015
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.The date listed is the ratification of the Indonesian Constitution. Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of Aceh and the city of Palembang .
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. The date listed is the ratification of the Indonesian Constitution. Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of Aceh and the city of Palembang .
Show Difference
https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/ https://76crimes.com/76-countries-where-homosexuality-is-illegal/

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
Start DateAug 9, 20011993

edited by Muhammadaji2022

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https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://jdih.acehprov.go.id/qanun/Qanun_Aceh_Nomor_6_Tahun_2014_tentang_Hukum_Jinayat.pdf https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/detail/ulasan/lt552a63ea8f052/apakah-homoseksual-bisa-dipidana/ https://pridelegal.com/indonesia-lgbt-laws/

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. Indonesia.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
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Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. allows homosexual conducts an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. 2002, a special autonomy was introduced in the Aceh province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people. law.The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people . prison.Though,the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people.

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people . province.The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private,non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people . prison.Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 lashes or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 lashes or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people . strokes of the cane or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. While Indonesian has allowed private and consensual relations between persons of the same sex, it has a higher age of consent for same sex relations than for heterosexual relations since 1993 (17 for heterosexuals , 18 for homosexuals). Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 lashes . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 lashes or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .
Show Difference
Homosexuality is legal in Indonesia with the exception of the Aceh province. The Indonesian National law does not criminalize homosexuality ,does not have a sodomy law and do not currently criminalize private , non commercial gay acts among consenting adults. While Indonesian has allowed private and consensual relations between persons of the same sex, it has a higher age of consent for same sex relations than for heterosexual relations since 1993 (17 for heterosexuals , 18 for homosexuals). Since 2002 , the Indonesian government gave the Aceh province the right to introduce a special autonomy for the province , which enables Aceh to have sharia law. The northernmost province of Aceh proceeded to enact a sharia based anti homosexuality law that punishes anyone caught having Gay sex with 100 lashes . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people . or equivalent to 8 years in prison . Though , the Indonesian law does not criminalize homosexuality an overbroad interpreration of the pornography act , coupled with government action has enabled the police to use in targetting LGBT people .

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateAug 18, 1945Aug 9, 2001

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value New Value
End DateJan 6, 2020(none)