Entry #107: Homosexual activity in Brazil

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateDec 16, 1830
End Date(none)
DescriptionShortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Federal LawYes

Revision History (9)

edited by jadeywadey. clearing report

Old Value New Value (Current)

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http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Brazil_2014.pdf http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/Leis/LIM/LIM-16-12-1830.htm http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Brazil_2014.pdf http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/Leis/LIM/LIM-16-12-1830.htm

edited by danlev. Applying federal law to Brazil entries

Old Value New Value
DescriptionShortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Show Difference
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation. sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Federal LawNoYes
Reports (1)
  • Other "1603-1830 Illegal (Ordenações Filipinas) Source: https://dspace.mj.gov.br/bitstream/1/4433/1/A%20Execu%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20Penal%20no%20Brasil%20Durante%20a%20Vig%C3%AAncia%20das%20Ordena%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20Filipinas.pdf https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lei_da_sodomia#Hist%C3%B3rico_no_Brasil "

edited by Notdog1996. Cleaning up vandalism

Old Value New Value
Start DateOct 22, 1789Dec 16, 1830
Description[SPAM]Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.


edited by NIGRR. Ksjsisjsjsjsjis

Old Value New Value
Start DateDec 16, 1830Oct 22, 1789
DescriptionShortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.


edited by Etlot

Old Value New Value
Start Date1830Dec 16, 1830
DescriptionShortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Show Difference
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation. in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.

Show Difference
http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Brazil_2014.pdf http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Brazil_2014.pdf http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/Leis/LIM/LIM-16-12-1830.htm

edited by JerofDoorhandle

Old Value New Value
DescriptionShortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, The Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination (although it does not explicitly mention sexual orientation).
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.
Show Difference
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, The Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination (although it does not explicitly mention sexual orientation). the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination. Since then courts have since affirmed this additionally applies to sexual orientation.

edited by JerofDoorhandle

Old Value New Value
Start DateOct 5, 19881830

edited by JerofDoorhandle

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionOctober 5th 1988 is the date when our current constitution was approved, which condemns any kind of discrimination. Although, being gay it's not illegal in Brazil a long time ago.Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, The Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy.

Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination (although it does not explicitly mention sexual orientation).
Show Difference
October 5th 1988 is the date when our current constitution was approved, which condemns any kind of discrimination. Although, being gay it\'s not illegal in Brazil a long time ago. Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, The Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by prohibiting any form of discrimination (although it does not explicitly mention sexual orientation).
Show Difference
http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 http://www.athosgls.com.br/comportamento_visualiza.php?contcod=15188 https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Brazil_2014.pdf

created by celoafonso

Original entry
Start DateOct 5, 1988
End Date(none)
DescriptionOctober 5th 1988 is the date when our current constitution was approved, which condemns any kind of discrimination. Although, being gay it's not illegal in Brazil a long time ago.
Reports (6)
  • Date is incorrect "Homosexual activity has been legal in Brazil since 1830. "
  • Date is incorrect "Homosexuality was legalized in Brazil in the 19th century, at the end of Empery of Brazil. "
  • Status is not correct "Homosexuality is legal in Brazil since 1830"
  • Other "use of first person language in an informative website "our" could leave impressions the information is opinionated and is informal. recommend shift to objective tone, removal of previous perspective."
  • Date is incorrect "Since the independence of Brazil, homosexuality is legal. about 1824"
  • Status is not correct "Homosexuslity is not a crime sinceramente 1830, date of the adoptiob of Brazil's Empire Penal Code. "