Entry #10676: Censorship of LGBT issues in Espírito Santo

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Last Version

RegionEspírito Santo
IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
StatusNo censorship
Start DateOct 5, 1988
End Date(none)
DescriptionCensorship is illegal nationwide according to the Brazilian Constitution.

Revision History (4)

deleted by equaldex. Bulk deleting entries in Brazil states to replace with federal laws.

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by br0okklyn. status and description were not accurate.

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
Start Date2018Oct 5, 1988
DescriptionIn Espírito Santo, there are explicit legal barriers in Education. According to ILGA, in 2018, the city of Guarapari passed Law No. 4,227 banning contents related to "sexual orientation", "gender ideology" and "any practice capable of compromising or directing the natural development of children's personality. In the same year, the city of Marechal Floriano adopted Law No. 1,962 which bans public authorities from interfering with "the sexual maturation of the student body or allowing any form of dogmatism or proselytism in addressing gender issues" in education.Censorship is illegal nationwide according to the Brazilian Constitution.
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In Espírito Santo, there are explicit legal barriers in Education. According to ILGA, in 2018, the city of Guarapari passed Law No. 4,227 banning contents related to "sexual orientation", "gender ideology" and "any practice capable of compromising or directing the natural development of children's personality. In the same year, the city of Marechal Floriano adopted Law No. 1,962 which bans public authorities from interfering with "the sexual maturation of the student body or allowing any form of dogmatism or proselytism in addressing gender issues" in education. Censorship is illegal nationwide according to the Brazilian Constitution.
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https://database.ilga.org/brazil-lgbti https://database.ilga.org/api/downloader/download/1/BR%20-%20LEG%20-%20Espirito%20Santo%20Guarapari%20Law%20no%204227%20(2018)%20-%20OR-OFF%20(pt).pdf https://database.ilga.org/api/downloader/download/1/BR%20-%20LEG%20-%20Espirito%20Santo%20Marechal%20Floriano%20Law%20no%201962%20(2018)%20-%20OR%20(pt).pdf https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/constituicao/constituicao.htm

edited by Nathan. Status update, sources added

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
Start Date(unknown)2018
DescriptionIn Espírito Santo, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.In Espírito Santo, there are explicit legal barriers in Education. According to ILGA, in 2018, the city of Guarapari passed Law No. 4,227 banning contents related to "sexual orientation", "gender ideology" and "any practice capable of compromising or directing the natural development of children's personality. In the same year, the city of Marechal Floriano adopted Law No. 1,962 which bans public authorities from interfering with "the sexual maturation of the student body or allowing any form of dogmatism or proselytism in addressing gender issues" in education.
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In Espírito Santo, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. explicit legal barriers in Education. According to ILGA, in 2018, the city of Guarapari passed Law No. 4,227 banning contents related to "sexual orientation", "gender ideology" and "any practice capable of compromising or directing the natural development of children's personality. In the same year, the city of Marechal Floriano adopted Law No. 1,962 which bans public authorities from interfering with "the sexual maturation of the student body or allowing any form of dogmatism or proselytism in addressing gender issues" in education.

created by equaldex

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Espírito Santo, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.