Entry #1060: Same-sex marriage in Washington

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateDec 6, 2012
End Date(none)
DescriptionSB 6239 - 2011-12 amended RCW 26.04.010 to legalize same-sex marriage by replacing gendered terms with gender-neutral language. The law, meant to take effect on June 7, 2012, was delayed by Referendum 74 which put the issue to voters who affirmed the legislation. The law went into effect on December 6, 2012.

Same-sex marriage was further protected by the US Supreme Court in OBERGEFELL v. HODGES on June 26, 2015, under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The 117th US Congress legislated additional protections in H.R.8404, the Respect for Marriage Act, on December 13, 2022, mandating all states recognize any public act, record, or judicial proceeding pertaining to marriage in any other state; enforceable by the Attorney General and subject to injunctive and declaratory relief.
SourcesRevised Code of Washington Chapter:

WA Senate Bill 6239:

Referendum 74:

Supreme Court Decision:

Respect for Marriage Act:


Revision History (4)

edited by JerofDoorhandle. Added primary sources, supplemental laws, and history of the bill.

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionOn February 13, 2012 Washington passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The law went in to effect on December 6, 2012SB 6239 - 2011-12 amended RCW 26.04.010 to legalize same-sex marriage by replacing gendered terms with gender-neutral language. The law, meant to take effect on June 7, 2012, was delayed by Referendum 74 which put the issue to voters who affirmed the legislation. The law went into effect on December 6, 2012.

Same-sex marriage was further protected by the US Supreme Court in OBERGEFELL v. HODGES on June 26, 2015, under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The 117th US Congress legislated additional protections in H.R.8404, the Respect for Marriage Act, on December 13, 2022, mandating all states recognize any public act, record, or judicial proceeding pertaining to marriage in any other state; enforceable by the Attorney General and subject to injunctive and declaratory relief.
Show Difference
On February 13, 2012 Washington passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The law went in to effect on December 6, 2012 SB 6239 - 2011-12 amended RCW 26.04.010 to legalize same-sex marriage by replacing gendered terms with gender-neutral language. The law, meant to take effect on June 7, 2012, was delayed by Referendum 74 which put the issue to voters who affirmed the legislation. The law went into effect on December 6, 2012. Same-sex marriage was further protected by the US Supreme Court in OBERGEFELL v. HODGES on June 26, 2015, under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The 117th US Congress legislated additional protections in H.R.8404, the Respect for Marriage Act, on December 13, 2022, mandating all states recognize any public act, record, or judicial proceeding pertaining to marriage in any other state; enforceable by the Attorney General and subject to injunctive and declaratory relief.
Sourceshttp://www.seattlepi.com/local/connelly/article/Washington-approves-same-sex-marriage-4018058.phpRevised Code of Washington Chapter:

WA Senate Bill 6239:

Referendum 74:

Supreme Court Decision:

Respect for Marriage Act:


Show Difference
http://www.seattlepi.com/local/connelly/article/Washington-approves-same-sex-marriage-4018058.php Revised Code of Washington Chapter: https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=26.04.010 WA Senate Bill 6239: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=6239&Year=2011&Initiative=false https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2011-12/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Laws/Senate/6239-S.SL.pdf?cite=2012%20c%203%20%C2%A7%201 Referendum 74: https://leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/OPRGeneral/Documents/2012/R-74%20summary.pdf https://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/initiativesReferenda/Pages/R74-FAQs.aspx Supreme Court Decision: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/14-556 Respect for Marriage Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8404 Reporting: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/connelly/article/Washington-approves-same-sex-marriage-4018058.php

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
Start DateMar 3, 2010Dec 6, 2012
DescriptionIn 2010, Washington legalized same-sex marriage.On February 13, 2012 Washington passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The law went in to effect on December 6, 2012
Show Difference
In 2010, Washington legalized same-sex marriage. On February 13, 2012 Washington passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The law went in to effect on December 6, 2012

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date(unknown)Mar 3, 2010
DescriptionIn 2010, Washington legalized same-sex marriage.

Show Difference
http://m.seattlepi.com/local/connelly/article/Washington-approves-same-sex-marriage-4018058.php http://www.seattlepi.com/local/connelly/article/Washington-approves-same-sex-marriage-4018058.php
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "Same-sex marriage was legalized in 2012. "
  • Date is incorrect "The date posted was on November 8th 2012, and it began recognition on December 6th 2012"
  • Date is incorrect "Same Sex Marriage was legalized in 2012, not 2010"
  • Date is incorrect "Marriage took effect in 2012, not 2010"

created by Otterpop0217

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)