miguelss46 Editor

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miguelss46 added an entry in Campeche.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1871 to now.
Homosexual activity has been legal in Campeche since 1871.
Sources: .
miguelss46 added an entry in Zacatecas.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1871 to now.
Homosexual activity has been legal in Zacatecas since 1871.
Sources: .
miguelss46 added an entry in Baja California Sur.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1871 to now.
Homosexual activity has been legal in Baja California Sur since 1871.
Sources: .
miguelss46 added an entry in Baja California.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1871 to now.
Homosexual activity has been legal in Baja California since 1871.
Sources: .
miguelss46 added an entry in Aguascalientes.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1871 to now.
Homosexual activity is legal in Aguascalientes since 1871.
Sources: .
miguelss46 added an entry in Guerrero.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Jul 10, 2015 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in the Mexican state of Guerrero on July 10,2015.
miguelss46 added an entry in Coahuila.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Sep 17, 2014 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Coahuila on September 17, 2014.
miguelss46 added an entry in Sonora.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 12, 2016 to May 18, 2016.
Same-Sex Marriage was legal in Sonora for 6 days before the governor announced to keep the policy before which was to get a court order.
miguelss46 added an entry in Jalisco.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 12, 2016 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Jalisco on May 12,2016 after The Mexican Supreme Court legalized it in the state
miguelss46 edited an entry in Quintana Roo.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 3, 2012 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Quintana Roo on May 12, 2012 after the Secretary of State announced to legalize Same-Sex Marriage
miguelss46 added an entry in Quintana Roo.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 3, 2012 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Quintana Roo on May 12, 2012 after the Secretary of State announced to legalize Same-Sex Marriage
miguelss46 added an entry in Campeche.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 20, 2016 to now.
Same-Sex Marriage became legal in Campeche on May 20,2016 after a vote of 34-1