jpmusicc Alpha Tester

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Recent Edits

jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from past to now.
There is currently is no legal prohibition of sexual orientation-based employment discrimination in the private sector.
jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
Serving openly in military: N/A from past to now.
Hong Kong does not have its own military force.
Sources: N/A
jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
Equal age of consent: Equal from 2006 to now.
jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from past to 2017.
Same-sex marriage was not recognized.
jpmusicc added an entry in Hong Kong.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1991 to now.
Sources: Carole J. Petersen, Values in Transition: The Development of the Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement in Hong Kong, 19 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 337 (1997). Available at:…