- Homosexuality
- ⚢✔ Legal
- Gay Marriage
- ⚭✔ Legal
- Censorship
- ✔ No censorship
- Changing Gender
- ✖ Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
- Gender-Affirming Care
- ✔ Legal
- Non-Binary Gender Recognition
- ✖ Not legally recognized
- Discrimination
- ✔ Illegal
- Employment Discrimination
- ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Housing Discrimination
- ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Adoption
- ✔ Legal
- Intersex Infant Surgery
- ✖ Not banned
- Military
- ✔ Legal
- Donating Blood
- ✔ Legal
- Conversion Therapy
- ✖ Not banned
- Age of Consent
- ✔ Equal
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Homosexual activity in Järvamaa is legal.
Same-sex marriage in Järvamaa is legal.
Censorship of LGBT issues in Järvamaa is no censorship.
Right to change legal gender in Järvamaa is legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
Transgender people are not required to undergo sex reassignment surgery since 1997, sterilisation or divorce their partner, due to the specific wording of the Family Law Act. From October 2021, neither genetic testing or hormone replacement therapy are mandatory to later change legal data.
First appointment with a medical expert committee is required to receive a ministerial decree authorizing hormone replacement therapy, followed by a second appointment with the same committee authorizing the change of legal data. Diagnosis from a psychiatrist before first committee appointment strongly recommended, committee bases its decision on this diagnosis as well as self-determination.
Transgender people were not required to undergo sex reassignment surgery, sterilisation or divorce their partner. Appointment with medical expert committee required.
Her birth certificate was corrected on this date, this was viewed as a pre-requisite to any surgery, which would have otherwise been considered mutilation under the law. While gender-affirming surgery was later carried out, it was not a pre-requisite for legal gender recognition.
The state of affairs was not regulated by law, but others were known to have been given authorization by the same medical expert committee to change their legal data.
This was ended in around 1994, since the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of the Interior could not agree on whether surgery should be a pre-requisite for legal gender recognition. During that time, legal gender recognition was not possible.
This stand-off eventually resulted in the 1997 decree not requiring surgery for legal gender recognition, in exchange for the relevant minister signing off on every transgender person requesting such recognition.
Gender-affirming care in Järvamaa is legal.
Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Järvamaa is not legally recognized.
LGBT discrimination in Järvamaa is illegal.
LGBT employment discrimination in Järvamaa is sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGBT housing discrimination in Järvamaa is sexual orientation and gender identity.
Same-sex adoption in Järvamaa is legal.
In 2020 a same-sex couple adopted a child.
Theoretically, infertile couples may be able to jointly adopt non-biological but it is unclear if this applies to same-sex couples.
Intersex infant surgery in Järvamaa is not banned.
Serving openly in military in Järvamaa is legal.
Conversion therapy in Järvamaa is not banned.