Entry #2021: Blood donations by MSMs in Uruguay

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (1-year deferral)
Start Datepast
End DateDec 16, 2020
DescriptionGay and bisexual men could donate blood in Uruguay, provided they hadn't had sex for 12 months.

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Revision History (2)

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueLegalBanned (1-year deferral)
End Date(NONE)Dec 16, 2020
DescriptionNo restrictions about gay sexGay and bisexual men could donate blood in Uruguay, provided they hadn't had sex for 12 months.
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No restrictions about gay sex Gay and bisexual men could donate blood in Uruguay, provided they hadn't had sex for 12 months.
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http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/12/151222_salud_paises_prohiben_donar_sangre_homosexuales_lv https://distintaslatitudes.net/donar-sangre-si-eres-lgbti-en-america-latina

created by Simo

Original entry
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionNo restrictions about gay sex
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "By national decree 385/005 some population groups cannot donate blood, among homosexual sex. In a binding MERCOSUR Regulation (Nº 07-2014) the Common Group obliges to review and eradicate this article. In practice, the decree is still active but not taken into consideration by the public health system nor by private health corporations (except a few very religious ones)."
  • Status is not correct "provided they were not sexually active for 12 months"
  • Status is not correct "MSMS are not officially allowed to donate blood, although some institutions do not ban it anymore. There is a decree (Decreto No 385/000) that prevents MSMS from donating blood. "
  • Status is not correct "1 year deferral,under revision. "