Entry #12625: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Austria

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusIntersex only
Start DateDec 14, 2018
End Datenow
Descriptionnique at the international level": the Austrian LGBTQ+ umbrella HOSI yesterday welcomed the decree of the federal government that establishes six options for its citizens in the official definition of their sex. In addition to the masculine, feminine and «various» (the «X» instituted last year in passports), the categories «inter» and «offen» (open) are available, as well as the possibility of choosing none. The latter option may be required when children with sexual variation are born. They – or their legal representative – may decide later. However, says Queer.de, the transition from conventional categories to other options will only be possible with the favourable opinion of an expert. This condition is challenged by LGBTI activists, who regret the «pathologization» of intersex people. 'The stage of self-determination is still far away,' said Luan Pertl of Plattform Intersex Österreich. The organizations also call for a ban on surgical interventions on intersex children and adolescents, which was part of the programme of the ruling coalition in Vienna.
Reports (1)
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Revision History (1)

Revision by Notdog1996. It is not recognized

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueRecognizedIntersex only
Start DateMay 2018Dec 14, 2018
Show Difference
https://360.ch https://oiieurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LGR-for-intersex_comparative-research_03-2021.pdf

l_hrz created this entry.