Entry #12044: LGBT discrimination in North Macedonia

Current Version

RegionNorth Macedonia
IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusIllegal in some contexts
Start DateMay 28, 2020
End DateOct 29, 2020
DescriptionOn 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection existed in laws that prohibited discrimination in certain areas of life and mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.

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Revision History (5)

edited by Aleksandar. Description and status changes

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Illegal in some contexts
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal in some contexts
DescriptionOn 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection was provided by the Constitution, which prohibited discrimination in general without mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection existed in laws that prohibited discrimination in certain areas of life and mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.
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On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection was provided by the Constitution, which prohibited discrimination in general without mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis. existed in laws that prohibited discrimination in certain areas of life and mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.

edited by Aleksandar. Corrections.

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protections(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
Start Date(unknown)May 28, 2020
End DateMay 14, 2018Oct 29, 2020
DescriptionNorth Macedonia repealed the law on prevention of and protection against discrimination, meaning that LGBT people are no longer a protected group.On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection was provided by the Constitution, which prohibited discrimination in general without mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.
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North Macedonia repealed the law on prevention of and protection against discrimination, meaning that LGBT people are no longer a protected group. On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection was provided by the Constitution, which prohibited discrimination in general without mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.
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https://www.ilga-europe.org/news/joint-statement-decision-constitutional-court-north-macedonia-repeal-law-prevention-protection-against-discrimination/ https://www.ilga-europe.org/news/joint-statement-decision-constitutional-court-north-macedonia-repeal-law-prevention-protection-against-discrimination/ https://ustavensud.mk/?p=19246

edited by Canadianstudent03. Putting an end date

Old Value New Value
End DateMay 14, 2020May 14, 2018
Reports (1)
  • Duplicate entry

edited by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateMay 14, 2020(unknown)
End Date(none)May 14, 2020

created by Notdog1996

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start DateMay 14, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionNorth Macedonia repealed the law on prevention of and protection against discrimination, meaning that LGBT people are no longer a protected group.