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ryan_csc edited an entry in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
"it had no description,so i added one."
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
They are treated just like everyone else. no inequality.
Sources: very very limited
ryan_csc edited an entry in Falkland Islands.
"fixing the overlaping date issue with this."
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to Apr 4, 2005.
No laws in place to allow change of gender.
Sources: No laws enabling this.
ryan_csc edited an entry in Fiji.
"The original description was too short and vague."
Gender-affirming care: Banned from (unknown) to 1974.
Medical transition wasn’t possible for those who wanted to change themselves.
ryan_csc edited an entry in Venezuela.
"too vague,nit needs more info."
Equal age of consent: Equal from Jan 1, 1997 to (none).
Venezuela´s official age of consent is equal for all ages,16-18.
ryan_csc created an entry in Falkland Islands.
Same-sex adoption: Ambiguous from (unknown) to Dec 31, 2016.
some parts of falkland island supported the official integration of same-sex adoption but others didn´t. main island: didn´t support second island: supported other islands: mixed but in…