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litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
Conversion therapy: from (unknown) to (none).
Conversion therapy in Canada is not yet banned at a Federal level and many ex-gay organizations and groups who endorse conversion/reparative therapy continue to operate as registered charities. Some…
litui created an entry in Ontario.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jan 1, 2012 to (none).
Various forms of discrimination are prohibited for protected classes including sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Mar 10, 2015 to (none).
In Bill 10, a bill ensuring the right of students to form gay-straight alliances in Alberta schools, amendments were added before it was passed adding protection of sexual orientation, gender…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
There remains no explicit protection of transgender people under the Alberta Human Rights Act, though the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender".
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation has been explicitly protected since 2009 in the Alberta Human Rights Act. Gender identity is read-in by the Alberta Human Rights Commission under "gender" though it is not…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation is officially a protected group. While not explicit in the law, the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender", but lengthy tribunal process makes…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jun 1, 1996 to (none).
Federal human rights law applies directly to only federal government employment and employers which fall under federal jurisdiction. Gender identity is only implicitly protected under…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jun 1, 1996 to (none).
Federal human rights law applies directly to only federal government employment and employers which fall under federal jurisdiction. Gender identity is only implicitly protected under…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jun 1, 1996 to (none).
Federal human rights law applies directly to only federal government employment and employers which fall under federal jurisdiction. Gender identity is only implicitly protected under…
litui created an entry in Canada.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jun 1, 1996 to Jun 18, 2017.
Federal human rights law applies directly to only federal government employment and employers which fall under federal jurisdiction. Gender identity is only implicitly protected under…
litui created an entry in Alberta.
Serving openly in military: Legal from Oct 10, 1992 to (none).
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Ambiguous from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation has been explicitly protected since 2009 in the Alberta Human Rights Act. Gender identity is read-in by the Alberta Human Rights Commission under "gender" though it is not…
litui created an entry in Ontario.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from Apr 11, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012.
It is legal in Ontario to change one's birth certificate and driver's license without surgery, provided (among other items) a signed letter from a physician or psychologist.
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation has been explicitly protected since 2009 in the Alberta Human Rights Act. Gender identity is read-in by the Alberta Human Rights Commission under "gender" though it is not…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation has been explicitly protected since 2009 in the Alberta Human Rights Act. Gender identity is read-in by the Alberta Human Rights Commission under "gender" though it is not…
litui created an entry in Canada.
Conversion therapy: Banned from Jan 7, 2022 to (none).
Conversion therapy in Canada is banned nationwide under bill C-4(44-1) which recieved Royal Assent on December 8th 2021 and went into effect 30 days after on January 7th 2022. Two previous…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from 2006 to (none).
Requires notarized statement from attending physician or person in charge of an institution that sex has been changed via surgery, along with a name change order. No options for non-surgical and…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Sexual orientation is officially a protected group. While not explicit in the law, the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender".
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Apr 2, 1998 to Oct 1, 2009.
Sexual orientation was not included in the Alberta Human Rights act until 2009 but was "read in" by the Alberta Human Rights Commission since 1998.
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Oct 1, 2009 to Jan 1, 2017.
Sexual orientation has been explicitly protected since 2009 in the Alberta Human Rights Act. Gender identity is read-in by the Alberta Human Rights Commission under "gender" though it is not…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
There remains no explicit protection of transgender people under the Act, though the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender".
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Apr 2, 1998 to Oct 1, 2009.
Sexual orientation had been read-in as a protected ground in spite of no explicit mention in the law during this span. Reading-in of transgender under "gender" is a more recent development.
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
There remains no explicit protection of transgender people under the Act, though the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender".
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Oct 1, 2009 to Jan 1, 2017.
Sexual orientation is officially a protected group. While not explicit in the law, the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender", but lengthy tribunal process makes…
litui edited an entry in (deleted region).
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Oct 1, 2009 to (none).
Context is limited to items covered within the Alberta Human Rights Act. There remains no explicit protection of transgender people under the Act, though the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in…
litui created an entry in Alberta.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Oct 1, 2009 to Mar 10, 2015.
There remains no explicit protection of transgender people under the Act, though the Alberta Human Rights Commission reads in transgender rights under "gender".
litui created an entry in Alberta.
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Jul 20, 2005 to (none).
The Civil Marriage Act was passed at a federal level, overriding provincial marriage law.
litui created an entry in New Mexico.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from 2006 to Jun 15, 2019.
Requires notarized statement from attending physician or person in charge of an institution that sex has been changed via surgery, along with a name change order. No options for non-surgical and…