johnnypedro Editor

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johnnypedro edited an entry in (deleted region).
: N/A from (unknown) to -0001.
No laws against it but its Illegal to be LGBT in this country.
johnnypedro edited an entry in Saudi Arabia.
Blood donations by MSMs: Ambiguous from Sep 23, 1932 to (none).
They don't ask people if they're gay or not when you are about to donate blood, you just donate as any other human being, unless you don't mention having sex with same gender or any kind of sex…
johnnypedro created an entry in Saudi Arabia.
Blood donations by MSMs: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
According to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health's website, there's no specific ban on blood donation by MSMs.
johnnypedro edited an entry in (deleted region).
Right to change legal gender: N/A from (unknown) to -0001.
Sharia Law prohibits crossdressing.
johnnypedro edited an entry in Saudi Arabia.
Homosexual activity: N/A from (unknown) to -0001.
While Saudi Arabia has no specific law banning homosexuality, it does use Sharia law as a framework. Punishment for those who are convicted varies between flogging and imprisonment. Those who are…
johnnypedro created an entry in Saudi Arabia.
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
Sharia laws prohibit crossdressing