iirctbh Editor

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iirctbh created an entry in Angola.
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Not legally recognized from (unknown) to (none).
There are only 2 legally recognized genders in Angola.
iirctbh edited an entry in (deleted region).
"out of date"
: from Mar 29, 2025 to Mar 29, 2025.
iirctbh created an entry in Angola.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires medical diagnosis from 2015 to (none).
According to ILGA, Section 78 of the Civil Registry Act (2015) does not allow alterations of details entered in the registration of records by the Civil Registrar. However, Section 87 permits…
iirctbh edited an entry in Angola.
"the old one is outdated"
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Feb 11, 2021 to (none).
Same-sex marriage was legalized on 11 February 2021.