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Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Adding info"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jan 1, 1992 to Dec 2, 2017.
Since 1992
Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Change of jurisprudence"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from 1992 to (none).
Marinho created an entry in Israel.
Same-sex marriage: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only from 2022 to (none).
In July 2022, the Central District Court declared marriages conducted in Israel through an online civil marriage service established by the U.S. state of Utah, including same-sex unions, as legally…
Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Incorrect date"
Same-sex marriage: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only from 2006 to Mar 23, 2018.
Gay marriage pending, civil unions.
Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"New law active"
Same-sex marriage: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only from Nov 2006 to (none).
Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"New law is actice"
Same-sex marriage: Unregistered cohabitation from 1994 to Nov 21, 2006.
Israel does not legally recognize same-sex marriage. In Israel, marriage is mostly regulated by religious institutions. However, in 1994 Israel expanded the Legal status of Unregistered Cohabitation…
Marinho edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Missing information, incorrect year"
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1988 to (none).