Clara04 Editor

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Clara04 edited an entry in Maldives.
"In Maldives, the LGBT community faces severe discrimination and lack of legal protections. Same-sex sexual activities are illegal under the criminal code, with a punishment of up to 7 years in prison. This has led to the community being subjected to abuse, violence, and discrimination."
Censorship of LGBT issues: Imprisonment as punishment from (unknown) to (none).
In Maldives, the LGBT community faces severe discrimination and lack of legal protections. Same-sex sexual activities are illegal under the criminal code, with a punishment of up to 7 years in…
Clara04 edited an entry in Nepal.
"It's Legal for same sex couples to get married"
Same-sex marriage: Ambiguous from Apr 24, 2024 to (none).
Nepal is waiting for a final decision by its supreme court, but meanwhile all local governments are ordered to temporarily register same-sex marriages in a separate record. In April 2024 the…