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Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Additional information to one that was already posted."
LGBT discrimination: Illegal from Jun 11, 2003 to (none).
Since 1917, Article 1 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States has prohibited discrimination on any grounds. However, the explicit mention of sexual orientation as a basis for…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"As previously mentioned, the original information about the article was incomplete and inaccurate. Federal prohibitions and restrictions against employment discrimination based on sexual orientation already existed."
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jan 11, 2012 to (none).
Since 2003, the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination has defined in Article 9, sections III and IV, the following as acts of negative discrimination: • Prohibiting the free choice…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Better description. Better sintaxis."
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 30, 2012 to (none).
In 2012, Article 2 of the Mexican Federal Labour Law was amended to explicitly include sexual orientation in the list of factors for which employers, both public and private, must not discriminate…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Extra information I forgot to include"
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 30, 2012 to (none).
In 2012, Article 2 of the Mexican Federal Labour Law was amended to explicitly include sexual orientation in the list of factors for which employers, both public and private, must not discriminate…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Error on the date. Minimal change."
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 30, 2012 to (none).
In 2012, Article 2 of the Mexican Federal Labour Law was amended to explicitly include sexual orientation in the list of factors for which employers, both public and private, must not discriminate…
Alejandro_Ramirez created an entry in Mexico.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Nov 11, 2012 to (none).
In 2012, Article 2 of the Mexican Federal Labour Law was amended to explicitly include sexual orientation in the list of factors for which employers, both public and private, must not discriminate…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Missing information. Mexican Federal Labour Law bans discrimination based on sexual orientation since 2012 (article 2 and 3). Also, the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination mentions sexual orientation on employment (article 9, section II)"
LGBT employment discrimination: Varies by Region from Jun 11, 2003 to Nov 30, 2012.
Most of Mexico's states have enacted laws that ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or sexual preference, as well as gender. Many states also explicitly ban discrimination based on…
Alejandro_Ramirez created an entry in Mexico.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Oct 5, 1929 to (none).
This Penal Code was replaced in 1929. This new legal order aimed to modify the legal architecture of the Porfirio Díaz dictatorship, which was based on penal repression, to align it with the…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Minor edit: minor mistake related to spelling."
Homosexual activity: Legal from Feb 15, 1872 to Oct 5, 1929.
Mexico’s first Penal Code (published in 1871) which entered into force in 1872, made no reference to the criminalisation of sodomy or any other consensual same-sex act between adults. Nevertheles…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Spelling and style. Just minor changes."
Conversion therapy: Banned from Jun 8, 2024 to (none).
Conversion therapy is a federal offence under Article 209 Quintus of the Federal Penal Code (Código Penal Federal) and Article 465 Ter of the General Health Law (Ley General de Salud). Conversion…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"The real date of the reform passed in Mexico City was 24 July 2020"
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"The reform in Mexico City was passed 24 July 2020 (not 31 July 2020)"
Conversion therapy: Not banned from (unknown) to Jul 24, 2020.
Before Mexico City’s ban, no federal entity in Mexico outlawed conversion therapy.
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Federal entities were ordered chronologically based on their penalisation of conversion therapies."
Alejandro_Ramirez created an entry in Mexico.
Conversion therapy: Banned from Jun 8, 2024 to (none).
Article 209 Quintus of the Federal Penal Code (Código Penal Federal) and article 465 Ter of the General Health Law (Ley General de Salud).
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"Nationwide ban was published today:"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jul 31, 2020 to Jun 8, 2024.
Some states have banned conversion therapy. Nationwide ban pending.
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"More information about the subtle criminalisation LGBTQ people suffered until 1999, even if homosexuality was fully descriminalised in 1871."
Homosexual activity: Legal from Feb 15, 1872 to Dec 15, 1929.
Mexico’s first Penal Code (published in 1871) which entered into force in 1872, made no reference to the criminalisation of sodomy or any other consensual same-sex act between adults. Nevertheless…
Alejandro_Ramirez edited an entry in Mexico.
"The dates and the information was wrong. Mexico abolished all same-sex consensual acts for adults in 1987 with the proclamation of the first Federal Penal Code. Pease see the last source ("
Homosexual activity: Male illegal, female uncertain from Jan 1, 1600 to Dec 7, 1871.
From the 1600s to the short Second French intervention and the subsequent restoration of the Republic under President Juárez, sodomy was heavily criminalized in Mexico. The medieval laws issued in…
Sources: Garza, Federico. Quemando mariposas. Sodomía e imperio en Andalucia y México, siglos XVI-XVII. Laertes. Barcelona, 2002. (Spanish) (English & Book)… (Spanish) Irwin, Robert McKee, et al., eds. The Famous 41: Sexuality and Social Control in Mexico 1901. New York: Palgrave, 2003. Lumsden, Ian. Homosexuality, Society and the State in Mexico. Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1991. (English) Timeline of war:… Translated version: www-jornada-com-mx.translat… Original version:…