Belief that LGBT+ persons should enjoy at least some rights anticipated to be regulated by the law on same-sex union (Western Balkans)

November-December 2020
Regions Surveyed

Full Survey Results

Civil Rights Defenders conducted a 6 (Western Balkans) region survey on the attitudes towards the LGBT+ people. Data collection period was 27th November to 21st December 2020. Method of data collection: CATI/CAWI. Questions included in survey: - support to visit partner in hospital or prison - support to have health insurance based on the partner's - support to inherit assets or pension in the event of partner's death - support to be treated as a family member in the event of partner's illness or death - support the right to court proceedings on the devision of property in the event of termination of cohabitation - support to adopting children

Question: "Do you support the right of LGBT+ people to..."

Survey Average (Unweighted)
  1. 84%
  2. 2. Serbia
  3. 79%
  4. 74%
  5. 5. Kosovo
  6. 60%

Regions are ranked by the percentage of "support" responses out of the total responses (excluding participants who answered "don't know" or refused to answer).

Submitted by Aleksandar